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Use unequivocally in a sentence

Definition of unequivocally:

  • (adverb) in an unambiguous manner; "she stated her intentions unequivocally"

Sentence Examples:

They were left in their gore, unequivocally butchered corpses.

To him privateering seemed strictly legal, and unequivocally laudable.

Can qualifications be always judged "objectively, unambiguously and unequivocally"?

The savage, of whatever race or clime, unequivocally does not.

A ponderous door and locked most unequivocally denied all entrance.

It proves to be unequivocally a true wood of the coniferous class.

These phenomena unequivocally point to shallow and even littoral waters.

At the same time its unequivocally monosyllabic character is beyond doubt.

Vincent roundly and unequivocally condemned the conduct of her husband.

Epithets of an unequivocally abusive kind were flung at him from every side.

Brill calls it, 'absolutely and unequivocally the best cauliflower in the world.'

Their institutions, locality, and natural sympathies are unequivocally with the slave-holding States.

I distinguished unequivocally the chimes of a convent, which rung for early mass.

Dickey Savage was laboriously non-committal until Lady Jane took sides unequivocally with Quentin.

Francis however had successfully avoided committing himself unequivocally to an uncompromising English alliance.

States have their religions, sometimes unequivocally and unmistakably, and sometimes not so palpably.

Furthermore, none of the early writers identify them unequivocally as the Barren Ground species.

He felt unequivocally annoyed, but that in no wise altered the facts of the case.

The matter has been thoroughly tested, and the answer is unequivocally in favor of recitation.

Indeed, avowals of a design to place themselves under the royal standard were unequivocally uttered.

I say now, unequivocally, that Governor Wells is a political trickster and a dishonest man.

Under this great aegis the liberty of every person within the national jurisdiction is unequivocally placed.

Pursuit was unavailing; she reached the harbor, and hoisting French colors, proved unequivocally her nation.

She would conserve her freedom, and demonstrate unequivocally to present company that she intended so doing.

If you did not, you cannot, I am sure, as a gentleman, hesitate to disavow them promptly and unequivocally.

The true charm of walking is most unequivocally shown when it is obviously dependent upon the walker himself.

Coming events threw their shadow before, and too unequivocally to be mistaken, but still he sported deaf adder.

The island is, unequivocally, a Paradise; and, if I remember rightly, dwellers in Paradise are not expected to labor.

With a smile that was unequivocally malicious she slowly raised the bunch of orchids and turned them over.

Public opinion declared unequivocally against him: he was one of those priests who called forth Sister Jeanne's reproof.

As our committee wrote him last week, it is vitally important that he should declare himself unequivocally at once.

Out of all question, snoring, and that on no small scale of the gamut of Morpheus, was unequivocally heard.

Fortune, too, having endowed them equally in the first instance, had unequivocally declared one to be her favored child.

It also amazed them beyond measure to find their gifts held in such contempt, and so unequivocally rejected by men.

Kitty had stood stoutly and unequivocally by her when all the others had viewed her with a dubious eye.

The Effects of Greenbacks upon Wages Statistical evidence supports unequivocally the common theory that persons whose incomes are derived from wages suffer seriously from a depreciation of the currency.

That opinion would be so unequivocally manifested, as to leave no pretence for a doubtful interpretation of its signs; and with such authority as to preclude any question whether to set it at defiance.

Despite Sir John Macdonald's plausible explanations to the governor-general, and his vigorous and even pathetic appeal to the house before he resigned, the whole transaction was unequivocally condemned by sound public opinion.

Wilson was interpreting the ideas of thoughtful Americans who wished their country to be fighting on the side of international right, but not until the righteousness of the Allied cause was unequivocally established.

The special theory of relativity has rendered the Maxwell-Lorentz theory so plausible, that the latter would have been generally accepted by physicists even if experiment had decided less unequivocally in its favor.

And you are now as concerned as I to solve the problem by defining a reorganization of the situation that would permit of an action unequivocally good, that is altogether conducive to the fulfillment of interest.

I never heard any man, in the whole course of my life, affirm any one thing more distinctly, positively, and unequivocally, than he did, when he told me that Government were upon a sure foundation here.

They did not admit that the public sentiment had been unequivocally expressed; nor did they admit that such benefits had flowed from commercial treaties as to justify a sacrifice of interest to obtain them.

He should, however, have done so even more vigorously and unequivocally and should have stated plainly: Darwinism is a complete failure; we believe indeed in a natural development of the organic world, but we are unable to prove it.

He was under the middle size, and slightly inclined to flesh, with a face which, but for some strange resemblance to what one has seen in pictures by the older artists, would have been unequivocally vulgar.

Yes, such analysis of the supremacy which is a feature common to all three conceptions of philosophy proves unequivocally that philosophy must be a function of intellect, and cannot be a function either of will or of intuition.

When the North feels that ten churches or schools that stand unequivocally against caste are more important than a thousand churches or schools that sustain caste, then we shall see the beginning of the end.

Yusuf at first assured him that every thing would be accommodated, but on the day succeeding he presented a note in which his demand for tribute was unequivocally stated, accompanied by other proposals equally insulting.

Long before the child's mechanism of articulation is so far developed that these expressions can be produced by him, the child manifests his understanding of them unequivocally by corresponding movements, by gestures and looks, by obedience.

The truth is that as civilization advances the world is governed more and more unequivocally by brains; and whether those brains are deposited in a strong body or a weak one becomes a matter of less and less importance.

Wayland boldly asserts, always and everywhere at war with each other, how has it happened that both principles are so clearly and so unequivocally embodied in one and the same code by the Supreme Ruler of the world?

They had everything in readiness for Monday, and the newspapers, which had also got wind of their intentions, had already announced to the public unequivocally that a restricted bond market would be started on that day.

The determination of his fellow citizens had been unequivocally manifested, and it was believed to be apparent that the election would again be unanimous, when he announced his resolution to withdraw from the honors and the toils of office.

It was now unequivocally stated that no such reduction should take place until the English sent five ships annually: it was afterwards stated that this reduction would be enforced after the period of two years or so.

I can well remember how the pride of wearing a hat of unequivocally modern aspect, and flourishing a naked sword, much bigger than myself, made the moment of my appearance as Theodore one of the proudest of my life!

Apart from all these considerations, the world had come to an end because a certain young lady, who, to the best of my belief, is still alive, and a prosperous and happy grandmother, had unequivocally declined to marry me.

One night I had broken out furiously with these words, when, on the silence that for a moment succeeded, there distinctly and unequivocally arose a long deep-drawn sigh or groan, differing from the noises which had disturbed me before.

Jacobson, I had to speak of Oxford, and I have endeavored to make it unequivocally clear that I am here as the same man, and not another, and that throwing off the academic cap and gown makes no difference in the figure.

Here, again, the confession of the gentleman is of service to us, by way of saving labor, since he unequivocally admits that the Barnabas who wrote the letter from which he quotes, was not the Barnabas of New-Testament fame.

They had already become so flourishing, so powerful, and so envied, that they who had so lately excited, but compassion from the neighboring states were now regarded with such jealousy as rivals, unequivocally equal, may justly inspire in each other.

For no maxim can be more firmly established by the sound deductions of human wisdom, or more unequivocally sanctioned by the express words of revelation, than the principle that to whom much is given, of them will much be required.

And thus man's general condition as a lapsed creature may be as unequivocally a consequence of man's own act, as the condition of individuals born free, but doomed to slavery in punishment of their offenses, is a consequence of their own acts.

The test has been applied to Wagner and stamps him unequivocally as one of the great; but a rigid application of the same test would seem to exclude from the immortal ranks the commanding figure of his distinguished contemporary, Giuseppe Verdi.

The individual, in following such habits, may claim that they are not unequivocally condemned by the community, and he is not conscious of the weight of displeasure which visits the violation of the will of the community when unequivocally expressed.

If they were to say unequivocally that it did sanction it, they would lay themselves under the necessity of pointing to the words that sanction it; and they are aware that the words alone of the constitution do not come up to that point.

Linda's heart was unequivocally up there in the smoke and flame with her man, fighting for their mutual possessions, hoping with him, fearing for him, longing for him, secure in the knowledge that if nothing else was left them, they had each other.