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Use unequivocally in a sentence

Definition of unequivocally:

  • (adverb) in an unambiguous manner; "she stated her intentions unequivocally"

Sentence Examples:

An invitation to dine should be replied to immediately, and unequivocally accepted or declined.

To this Jefferson was unequivocally opposed, although he referred the President to Hamilton.

Six energetic resolutions were passed pointing unequivocally at independence if grievances were not redressed.

This is obviously purely a color effect, and its motive is of course unequivocally romantic.

The answer, which results most unequivocally from numerous analyses, is to the following effect.

An instance which leads still more unequivocally to the same conclusion is given by Humboldt.

The dark rites and deeds involved in their practice are distinctly and unequivocally condemned.

"Yes; or, rather, it bore internal evidence that enabled me to fix it upon him unequivocally."

In the more Southern provinces signs of jealousy and discontent began to be more unequivocally manifested.

Type of disease becoming more unequivocally the result of bad feeding, exposure, and other hardships.

If so, I must unequivocally assert, that, in this instance, their penetration has failed them.

A full consciousness of the responsibilities urged him unequivocally to the fulfillment of his mission.

I make the statement unequivocally and without fear of successful contradiction that it cannot be done.

No doubt it is always difficult, and usually impossible, logically or unequivocally to prove a negative.

Condemning him unequivocally, therefore, for his theological views, they, in fact, pronounce his doom.

Something in him cried out for affection, for companionship, for a woman's tenderness bestowed unequivocally.

Comte most unequivocally condemns as idle, the research into the internal constitution of the sun?

Strabo, in particular, lays down that principle broadly and unequivocally in his remarks upon Homer.

No symbol could give more precisely, more unequivocally, more forcibly, the great idea of taking away sins.

These things are just as clearly, just as fully, just as unequivocally, taught in the Word.

It is unequivocally democratic, and implies a growing cleavage between the working man and the capitalists.

Unless the whole of their demands were complied with, they unequivocally refused to return to work.

Those which act most unequivocally in promoting life are the understanding, the imagination, and the passions.

It's either there or it isn't, and the good Doctor told us unequivocally that it was there.

Seeing that a middle course was no longer possible, they unequivocally went over to the Queen's party.

This makes it impossible to unequivocally identify possible errors therefore no corrections or changes have been made.

Above all, the parties to the Union were called on to declare expressly and unequivocally its intentions.

There are no glands the secretions of which are not as unequivocally material as are the glands themselves.

An absorbing one, doubtless, since it held her abstracted despite her companion's direct, unequivocally admiring stare.

Secondly, he is still further from favoring nay, he unequivocally denies the doctrine of unconditional, universal salvation.

The unnecessary application of the rule in question appears most unequivocally in words derived from other languages.

The companion of the knight was as evidently a Saxon, as the knight was unequivocally a Norman.

Devotion in public characters is seldom found to be unequivocally sincere in times of great trouble and disappointment!

By these and many other such inconsistencies the falsehood of the story may be unequivocally unfolded.

He told them, absolutely and unequivocally, that he should gather the disciples in the day of restitution.

Though the end does not always justify the means, it did in this instance, fully and unequivocally.

While under guard here, I heard men declaring most unequivocally their opposition to a Republican form of government.

Where does the silence of indifference shade into purposed concealment, and the latter into what is unequivocally deception?

If there is, it is plain it ought to show itself unequivocally as such, as distinct from other acts.

Those who adopt it unequivocally will find that they have with them the tide and a favoring wind.

It would not exclude variety or freedom in the unlimited discussion of means towards the ends unequivocally recognized.

At the same time he did not refuse unequivocally, as possibly stricter watch than ever might be kept over him.

At the proper time I shall meet it fully, plainly, unequivocally, I trust, as becomes a member of this body.

Hayes, both of whom had unequivocally expressed themselves in favor of suffrage for women, also had died in 1893.

Openly and unequivocally he despised and distrusted his flesh-burdened partner, and he made no effort to hide the fact.

Paul's consciousness the wonderful experience he is about to describe was not natural, still less pathological, but unequivocally religious.

In the same period the religious principle was more unequivocally introduced into royalty, and exercised a greater influence upon it.

This project discovered the love of power in the Junta more unequivocally than any other part of their conduct.

And as the warmth of the bed began to tell, the signs of life showed themselves more and more unequivocally.

Neither had she regarded it as an end of all individual effort, as many of her companions unequivocally had done.

In the court of public opinion, before which even judges must stand judgment, I shall endeavor to make that unequivocally clear.

We must, therefore, have resort to a religious book, and in a subsequent figure demonstrate the meaning of the symbol unequivocally.

He puts the mind in the body, in the brain, but he does not put it there frankly and unequivocally.

He declared himself unequivocally for the new government, wherever it might lead, and appealed to the people to support it.

I am now ready to state, unequivocally, that the person who killed Amos Carmack ... didn't hate him at all.

Since the will of his majesty was so unequivocally expressed, all that remained for the government was to execute it

Here I pause only to point out that the plain man does not put the mind into the body quite unequivocally.

Therefore, the ultimate appeal of the theologian, is as unequivocally to the laws as the primary appeal of the man of science.

The Collector unequivocally and finally refused to grant his ship a clearance until it should be discharged of the teas.

Appearances are strong; but I doubt not you will, as an honest man, unequivocally answer us, and clear them up.

In so doing, he surrenders every inch of the ground, and owns unequivocally that he is in better condition without tobacco.

It is impossible that I should ever have the slightest intercourse with a lady who has once unequivocally refused my acquaintance.

Again to create a national bank as a fiscal agent would be to disregard the popular will, twice solemnly and unequivocally expressed.

The title was in English but the nude women and what little writing there was within it were unequivocally Thai.

My belief is that they already know it; and when they choose, if ever, they can communicate with me unequivocally.

His manner on the occasion, whilst most respectful to his superior, was as unequivocally firm, as his mind was decided.

Not so definitely, of course, nor so unequivocally, does art express the secret natural law of being and becoming as science.

He always liked or disliked new people unequivocally, and I was glad to see that he surveyed the big clergyman with approval.

Louis have purchased machinery and various kinds of goods for his colony, and the issue is made most unequivocally with the Administration.

These notes, drawn up hastily and for myself alone, have no literary merit whatever, but they most unequivocally tell the truth.

Hollywood codes (which regulate distribution even of foreign films in this country) state unequivocally that homosexuality may not be portrayed or suggested.

An ugly wound at the back of his head and his turned-out pockets told unequivocally how he had come by his death.

As he spoke, the eyes of the king rested unequivocally upon an object which he perceived just behind the chair of the duchess.

He was, as we have seen, ever concerned with his conduct, ever fearful lest his high pursuits were vain, if not unequivocally wicked.

The circumstance which we should regard as most unequivocally marking a total eclipse is the visibility of the stars during the darkness.

Even so, it may not be unequivocally declared that all the simple dwellings were constructed first and all the complex ones later.

Burke replies to it, in two days after, in a letter of thanks, unequivocally denying that he had any share in those letters.

I found something to admire in the people of New Granada, but not much; and I found very much more to condemn most unequivocally.

It means decidedly and unequivocally that in reality, apart from the judging process, things exist and operate just as the judgment declares.

That it publicly voice its opinion on the matter and unequivocally make known its stand, with the full weight of its authority. c.

It was not however until the difficulties arising from the use of the ordinary spindle were overcome that the machine became unequivocally successful.

You, sir, say positively the law is one way; and you, sir (turning to the opponent), as unequivocally say it is the other way.

I trust that these objectives thus clearly and unequivocally stated will be carried forward by cooperation between this Congress and the President.

"It is; and you will oblige me by informing me, as directly and unequivocally, where she is," said he, rising from his chair.

They are often reluctant to admit their purposes unequivocally, even to themselves, and may indeed blind themselves to the necessary results of their policy.

Their platform declared unequivocally in favor of slavery being protected in all parts of the Union, where the owners chose to take their slaves.

Hilda had been giving herself over to business of late, for each mail brought her enclosures, bulky and blue, and of unequivocally legal aspect.

And ought they not to have been able to answer them, before they so unequivocally expressed their belief in its existence, its powers and administration?

Indignation was, therefore, unequivocally expressed at the several diggings' meetings which were held, and at which it was resolved to hold a monster meeting.

It is to be noticed that Dryden does not unequivocally condemn the passage he quotes, but qualifies it with an "if I am not much mistaken."

The confidence of Parliament in the wisdom and discretion of Ministers was unequivocally testified in the large majority by which the motion was rejected.

A clear idea, clearly and unequivocally expressed, is indicative of a good and well-disciplined intellect, each, as I have before intimated, the result of attention and practice.

For a strong popular sentiment well organized and unequivocally expressed could not be lightly disregarded, even though without constitutional authority to enforce its decrees.

And on the other hand, if our principle and object are unequivocally heavenly, then do we, so far as in us lies, train them for heaven.

Indeed, Douglas unequivocally admitted that the position assumed by Davis in 1860 was precisely that to which he had held for twenty years previous.

Marvell, therefore, more a man of the century than a Puritan, speaks more clearly and unequivocally with the voice of his literary age than does Milton.

The most ancient beds in the county yet known belong, as unequivocally shown by their fossils, to but the middle formation of the system.

In thus unequivocally asserting that our existence beyond the tomb is one of distinct consciousness, revelation has taught us what we most desire and need to know.

While President Lincoln was always opposed to slavery, unequivocally opposed to it, yet his oath called upon him to preserve the Constitution and the Union.

The discipline of modern life in the consumption of time and goods does not act unequivocally to eliminate the aristocratic virtues or to foster the bourgeois virtues.