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Use vicious in a sentence

Definition of vicious:

  • (adjective) having the nature of vice
  • (adjective) bringing or deserving severe rebuke or censure;
  • (adjective) (of persons or their actions) able or disposed to inflict pain or suffering
  • (adjective) marked by deep ill will; deliberately harmful;

Sentence Examples:

"He is very silly and very vicious, but I don't think he'll ever do anything so bad as that."

It seemed to her a vicious violation of good taste thus to air their marital disagreements in the presence of others.

In these schools every child is received, no matter how vicious or corrupt he or his parents may be.

He gave the twisted arm a vicious upward push till he could almost feel the agony of the tendons.

If his look was vicious, his tone was subdued as he stood brushing off the dust of his downfall.

While even vicious novelties are tolerated in men, those most innocent are frowned upon when indulged in by women.

The attitude of the opposition was a radical and vicious blow at the vital principles of the sphere itself.

He was clutching with one hand at the garment, pulling at it with vicious twitches to emphasize his words.

If inclined to be vicious, the bulls should have rings thrust through the cartilage of their nose when young.

He has acted wisely in doing so; for this impossibility is based entirely on a vicious circle of reasoning.

At present, the only person she appeared to really like was the servant Sarah, a girl of vicious character.

The building of a new railroad in any section always introduces a large element of irresponsible and vicious people.

A rogue elephant is a savage, vicious brute who has left the herd and taken to a solitary life.

The vicious, who have ends to gain, know how to cloak themselves, and easily deceive persons of Green's character.

He looked easily and almost lazily along the lines of vicious faces until his gaze finally rested on Crow.

The courts, in the lands of socialism, were the vicious long arms of the executive (actually, of the party).

I here speak of those horses that have contracted vicious habits, after having been broken for a long time.

This portrait is true of many of them, particularly the country people: those of the towns are less vicious.

I'll never mount such a vicious brute again, and I suppose you won't keep him just for John's use.

Most people imagine him a type of man inherently and thoroughly vicious, with no saving grace in his character.

"A nasty, vicious temper," the Red Queen remarked; and there was an uncomfortable silence for a minute or two.

It arose from a vicious system, gradually introduced, which deprived the commanding officer of his due share of power.

All such minute rules are inherently vicious, and are singularly out of harmony with New Testament methods of legislation.

The Emperor Nero, with all his inhuman and vicious traits and bloody crimes, was a versatile poet.

The nature of the wound which let out his life showed that the attack was a particularly vicious one.

As the queen-consort you shall become the wickedest thought of my mind, the most vicious desire of my soul.

My friend is a wealthy man, which is probably the reason why the devils are especially vicious to him.

"You mean, sir, what excuse do I offer for not being politely vicious as seems so much the fashion?"

A returned convict is always a returned convict, and a vicious man reformed is not repaired by the process.

The tub should be of ash or other wood that will communicate no vicious taste to the liquid or sugar.

Do not think, however, that he was naturally vicious; he had a warm heart, and even generous emotions at twenty.

Yet we license saloons to turn drunken men loose in the street, some of them as vicious as mad dogs.

Anna never returned her vicious look, she never moved a muscle of her handsome face, nor changed color.

And again, there is, or may be, hypocrisy in virtue; but no one pretends to vice who is not vicious.

Now and then Rosemary would glance at her brother, after a particularly vicious jolt, but she said nothing.

If this be so, it is evident that the plan of my noble friend is framed on a vicious principle.

He thought to escape their vicious attacks by paddling faster, but it was no use; they had come to stay.

As he released the boy he aimed a vicious swing that would have done a great deal of damage had it landed.

It is very strange that no one but myself has been able to understand the vicious intentions of the boys.

Yet, the Land-dwellers had managed to take no action at all and to ignore the growing number of vicious acts.

While lying here entirely helpless, and hearing those vicious bullets singing over my head, I suffered from fear.

Can it be that I am so much more vicious and wicked than then, that I heed not the Sabbath?

Penny was not afraid of dogs as a usual thing, but she had never seen a more vicious looking hound.

And made a motion to clap her hands; but the stay-busk took the opportunity of getting in a vicious dig.

He argued till what he would have called vicious in other men became sincerely virtuous in his own special instance.

With an oath, he jerked the rope, at the same time giving the animal a vicious kick on the head.

He, too, gifted with a certain power of vicious reasoning, saw that this new ally might prove useful.

As soon as he took his pen in his hand to write for the public, his style became systematically vicious.

He was not vicious, and he was devout; his defenders could always say many things in his favor.

The cattle by this mode of management are soon tamed; a ferocious or vicious beast I never saw among them.

The expert, upon recognizing Gerald, lifted his upper lip, and showed his gleaming teeth in a vicious grin.

Trouble is often used as an excuse for this vicious habit; but it gives more trouble than it takes away.

The air was vicious with bullets; a million invisible birds flicked their wings very close to my face.

Perverse men are, in our opinion, vicious beings who have had a previous life, and are obliged to live it over again.

At present a ridiculous distinction is made between vice and crime, in order that men may be vicious with impunity.

His rugged, vicious, cruel personality was known to all, and the cost of his work had been heavy.

It is suffering with profit, for it breaks up a most vicious habit, and it is suffering without degradation, too.

The great catastrophe of the end of the century was hastened by the vicious excesses of many females.

The impression they got was of a vicious pair of heels that seemed shooting out in all directions at once.

To educate a horse to be vicious you have only to attract his attention, and then appear to be afraid of him.

Of the two former of these young men, we have no particulars, only that one of them became very vicious.

The boy broke off his vicious little dance, and looked up at this tall gentleman with great surprise.

Without one vicious disposition, I have fallen into a hundred vices; I have never been actively selfish, yet always selfish.

By nightfall no sign remained, except the fearful scars, to show that the vicious attack had ever occurred!

It was easy to see that he was a gentle creature and that his madness had nothing vicious in it.

She and the novelist between them soon turned the conversation on to subjects that appealed to their vicious tastes.

Sometimes a man may be drawn into a vicious circle, so that, having once entered it, he ceases to be himself.

Marble was never a vicious man, nor could he be called a particularly wicked man, as the world goes.

The vicious brute turned his beautiful head, displaying a white star on the forehead, and snorted as I approached.

Any day's newspaper will furnish you with stories of the vicious doings of the idle sons of rich men.

Then, this may be a vicious vengeance; someone who hates your splendid mother, and would hurt her through you.

If a vicious fashion and taste are to blame for the thing, the fashion and taste must be changed.

There is no necessity that the young should resort to that which is low and vicious to find amusement.

Well, as I had no more to spare, I could spare no more to him, and he turned vicious, and threatened.

Prohibitions, again, they believe, if youth once depart from the right way, render them more vicious characters than common.

And I shall perform a sacrifice for the destruction of this vicious wretch, and I shall find out Indra.

Almost every vicious man is afraid of society, and if you once open the door where he is, he will run.

I do not mean vicious practices and customs, which it is the business of good laws and good customs to eradicate.

Darkies used to collect these nests in the fall of the year when the vicious swarms had deserted them.

A second later there was the vicious "spat" of a bullet on the sorely tried logs of the shack.

The changes in the law were vicious and in the opposite direction from the radical changes in popular sentiment.

Some who loved the Friar were genuinely worked upon, others in mad, vicious mood were ready for any diversion.

This is one of the most terrible of the vicious circles in which the war has bound the world.

It was followed by vicious, zipping sounds about the cabin of the ship, the windows of which were open.

We have known vicious horses whipped severely, and in every way treated harshly, and finally given up as useless.

Thus wild, vicious, and detrimental to the community, was the conduct of even the quietest of the lower nobility.

He gave the newspaper a vicious shake, and a blow in the middle to double it up for a fresh reading.

He was greatly attached to the creature, notwithstanding his vicious habits and the difficulties that arose out of them.

I have seen a few in captivity, but all of them are vicious, and devoid of any sense of gratitude whatever.

Such a mode of life would cost a man his reputation there as much as vicious excess does in other countries.

And in the like manner do the vicious, with their guilty features, create in us as deep aversion to their vice.

Having anything but respect and liking for the vicious nephew, he determined to make him as uncomfortable as possible.

Good taste is always the same, but vicious taste is blown away by the cleansing winds of the soul.

In the present chaotic state of science, it is only the vicious and profane that possesses a systematic coherence.

I should be unhappy if I thought any man was doing such a vicious thing out of desire to please me.

Woman for him was not of the planetary sex, but either a stupid or a vicious creature; sometimes both.

During this time, both sexes are vicious and will attack any intruder, be it bird, beast or even man.

Many vicious young men use the dance as their most successful means of accomplishing the ruin of young girls.

Having got rid of the vicious old cow, I again followed the wounded bull, which I presently laid low.

Snakes which are vicious at no other time, menace those who approach their nests or cut off their retreat.