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Definition of valor:

  • (noun) the qualities of a hero or heroine; exceptional or heroic courage when facing danger (especially in battle);

Sentence Examples:

Nor was the precaution of the emperor less watchful against the well-known valor of the barbarians of Europe.

As to that better part of valor called discretion, it was too cold-blooded a virtue for his tropical temperament.

Vast numbers would be slain, and valor and bravery would avail but little, against these terrible missiles.

It was a perilous order to give Washburn, for his valor was ever the better part of his discretion.

His breast swelled with pride at the many sights of valor presented by the constantly shifting scene.

Shamed by his words, the young princes sought out the most dangerous antagonists to show their valor.

One of these is Adam, formed for contemplation and valor, the other Eve, formed for softness and grace.

All their heroism, valor, courage, hardship, suffering, expenditure of treasure, and sacrifice of blood had availed them nothing.

With more valor than discretion, they rushed to King street, and were fired upon by Captain Preston's company.

The Spaniards then took him to a military hospital and, respecting his valor, nursed him back to health.

He had recovered from his amazement and dashed in to help his son with more valor than discretion.

The tiger however, seeing our fires and watch, considered discretion the best part of valor, and made off.

Dooley changed his tactics, very likely upon the cardinal principle that discretion is the better part of valor.

Desperate valor and haughty contempt of all power but that of arms were the impulse of the time.

Now you may be considered, you are considered, wherever civilization is known, as shock troops, second in valor to none.

However, she kept him in her house for five days, teaching him the principles of bravery and valor.

When a mere boy he delights all with whom he is brought into contact, by his wit and valor.

To a savage woman nothing is so useful as manly valor, and therefore nothing so agreeable as the signs of it.

He saw, as on the first occasion, that a treaty was the better part of valor and offered peace.

I mentioned the prudent management of our treasury, the valor and achievements of our forces by sea and land.

In that case, discretion is the better part of valor, and they wouldn't appreciate any coup on my side.

The Southerners rejoiced and celebrated, even relaxed their preparations, thinking their valor vastly superior to that of their enemies.

Heroism, genius, valor, pride, wealth, everything that man esteems or admires, here animated the eloquent stone and awakened emotion.

By the magic of his eloquence he changed the views of men and inspired them to deeds of valor.

All were rather anxious to see the clever Briton, who had done such wonders of valor and cunning, captured.

The Germans had either exhausted their supply of bombs, or else they deemed discretion the better part of valor.

He might wish, for example, to display his valor, or to profit financially by the sale of his captives.

The Emperor, calmly observing the whole from the heights, praised the valor of the English guards highly.

The generals gave me the prize for valor, when they ought, by right, to have given it to him.

He now carries the empty sleeve of his right arm as the unmistakable mark of his devotion and valor.

The muzzles of half a dozen rifles made Hal realize that discretion truly is the better part of valor.

"Come, Boone, I say, this isn't fair; let the lady come in if she wants to see valor laid low."

How proud Jackson would have been had he been able to see the valor and skill of his old lieutenant!

A more difficult terrain could not be desired, or one better adapted to test the valor of the victorious troops.

"Maybe he's afraid to come," said Lark, "for there are two of us, and we are mighty men of valor."

The admiral was drowned, to the regret of Tromp himself, who bestowed on his valor the deserved praises.

It would be the better part of valor not to meet Chester Hunt until he has cooled down a bit.

The Spaniards defended it rather by valor than by number, in a small fort that they had built.

Their soldiers were renowned for valor, and their churches numbered four hundred thousand men capable of bearing arms.

Scylla, the daughter of this prince, admired the majestic person of Minos, and the valor which he displayed.

Declared Bluff, thinking that he could not afford to let his rival take all the credit for valor.

In relation to pain, the true moral mean is found in neither fearing nor courting it, and this is valor.

Ivan Hannibal distinguished himself not only as a strategist but as a man of a great personal valor as well.

He, therefore, undoubtedly, acted on the principle, that "discretion is the better part of valor," and kept away.

The battle this day was obstinate as the day before, with great valor and loss on either side.

Major Pedro Rodriguez, who commanded our force on land, fought that day with all imaginable skill and valor.

I was tempted to cheer the policeman for his bravery, but thought silence the better part of valor.

At one time I can reverence industry and learning in the printer; at another, valor and devotion in the knight.

They did not discount the valor of the Southern troops, but they asked to be led against them.

Night protected their retreat, and they fought with a valor that made Jackson and all his generals cautious.

No, perish the hearts, and the laws that try Truth, valor, or love, by a standard like this!

On being offered the freedom of the state, in consideration of their valor, they would not make the exchange.

Thus were brought to full consciousness the instinct of personal valor, personal honor and personal readiness to face death.

Confidence and prestige were shaken in the front of a foe equal in valor and as skilled in arms as themselves.

That they showed true valor, nice discretion, and great powers of endurance, we will not for a moment question.

Not one solitary circumstance, except faith in the valor of his troops, favored a further advance at this time.

There were three brothers of your family among them, all of whom were noted for valor and the chase.

Tex was to be his chief deputy, if elected, so he was also eager to do something to prove his valor.

Their skill and valor is best proven by the fact that the Mexicans were never able to subdue them.

Discretion seemed the better part of valor, and it appeared in order to retreat in as graceful a manner as possible.

His valor, wisdom, and justice made him justly popular, but caused him to be regarded with suspicion at Rome.

Here they increased in numbers, valor and skill, and in all knowledge of the arts necessary in forest life.

The English and Scotch troops, with our own Americans, showed the very greatest valor on that sad occasion.

Being caught between two fires, they thought discretion was the better part of valor, and fled in dismay.

King Richard did all that valor and kindness could prompt for the protection and aid of his people.

I wish I could trumpet that into your ears at this moment, but prudence, 'the better part of valor,' forbids!

Nothing was left undone to express Southern gratitude, and he received gifts of canes innumerable as symbols of his valor.

He repeated the incomplete song in honor of his valor several times, until he finally decided to enter the house.

Instead, the power of defense was extended infinitely, to limits not recognized by scientific calculation, beyond ordinary valor.

There are men who acquire more in a few years by their valor and courage than others in many years.

No soldier can come before soldiers of tried valor, without having the deepest emotions of his soul stirred within him.

He called upon them to summon up the ancient valor of their race, and avenge the blood of their brethren.

Their champion was a man in the prime of life and a soldier of approved valor and skill in arms.

And by valor I do not mean the bravery which can be taught, which is merely a form of habit.

I hope we shall overcome these odds by the valor of our troops, and by strictly carrying out my plans.

There was a class of subordinate chiefs, in no sense hereditary, but rising to office by address, ability, or valor.

It was a profound, disinterested, enthusiastic, and poetic sentiment, and no period has beheld such a brilliant display of valor.

He told of Jack's persistent valor to the last, and the dreadful moment, when he, Jack, had been separated.

Only Gustav's valor and presence of mind saved the day that had been won once from being lost again.

He knew full well the treacherous character of the Indians, and that "the better part of valor is discretion."

Almost as soon as a child can talk he boasts of the valor of his father, the beauty of his mother.

Should he walk boldly off and take the consequences, or was discretion the better part of valor after all?

There were many new warriors, too, because none had failed at the test, and all were eager to show their valor.

Even the colors of the flag mean something: red stands for valor, blue for justice, and white for purity.

That is a new proof of your prudent valor, my Honorable Earl of Surrey, and I must praise you for it.

Their dominion extended over one or two rude settlements, or at most was according to the valor of him who ruled.

Past generations deprived him, whilst living, of the right to rule the country he had won by his valor.

In recognition of his valor as displayed in battle he was promoted from the ranks to a military position of honor.

The heroic courage and desperate valor of the troops had availed only to secure a strong position near the enemy's line.

They served with fidelity, as they fought with valor, and conquered for you in every part of the world.

Murray's troops had caught his own headlong valor, and fought until near a third of their number were slain.

In the efforts for the recovery of their empire, they emulated the valor, discipline, and tactics of their antagonists.

He performs marvels of valor, and we learn how much he loved his sovereign by seeing how he avenges him.

He was not a chief by birth, but through the valor of his deeds became the leader of his village.

Her ancestors were of king's blood, and the more immediate of them were distinguished for their valor and high birth.

He, alone of all our leaders, has checked the Romans; and has shown wisdom, as well as valor, in fighting.

Fortunately, he was bent on conquering the barbarians of the north, and left Greece to grow in valor and patriotism.

Henry V, on the other hand, was merely anxious to make himself and his house popular by deeds of valor.

The tents were overthrown, and all the valor of the eleven kings was needed to save their army from defeat.

Nor does it discover great valor in a man that he arm himself with his fears instead of his sword.