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Use unleash in a sentence

Definition of unleash:

  • (verb) release or vent; "unleash one's anger"
  • (verb) release from a leash; "unleash the dogs in the park"

Sentence Examples:

A fresh falcon was unleashed.

The Cobweb leaped forward like an unleashed greyhound.

American forces had just unleashed Operation Desert Storm.

Their tongues wagged with prodigious activity utterly unleashed.

The creative energies its completion must unleash are incalculable.

She stooped swiftly, gracefully, and unleashed the anxious bulldog.

Then one unleashes an attack, sets an impossibly fast pace.

Lloyd George can be the unfettered poet or the lion unleashed.

College freshmen unleashed on the Net seem to excel at these.

There was no malice in the thunderbolt that he unleashed then.

Once Tristan and Isolde have shared the goblet, passion is unleashed.

Passions, like so many bloodhounds, are unleashed and suffered to rage.

The lawlessness unleashed by the war seemed embodied in this girl.

His engine snarled with the unleashed fury of a hundred horsepower.

Miss Chalmers's curiosity was unleashed and stalking from its lair.

Then he unleashed his bloodhounds again, and the rest was massacre.

In a few minutes the unleashed dogs are yelping on his track.

She stepped closer to the outlaw, and spoke with unleashed hate.

The box had not yet unleashed its disintegrating bolt of blue.

Weapons we can unleash that would stun the System into passive madness.

That night the bloodhounds of scandal were unleashed in the Susan Anthony House.

There was a crackling, then a thunderous growing roar of stupendous unleashed power.

Sylvia's bulldog usually accompanied him, unleashed, for he could control the animal.

Overhead, giant blinding bolts of unleashed current leaped from copper bars to catwalks.

"So," muttered Jonathan, "having started the hare, I'll now unleash the hounds."

He suddenly realized how puny man was against the forces man could unleash.

She was steering east, and four destroyers shot after her like greyhounds unleashed.

The big ship heeled crazily away, twisting under the forces unleashed upon it.

Moran unleashed the hammock, and going down upon one knee examined the lump attentively.

We dashed away before the freshening wind, like a deer with the unleashed hounds pursuing.

Even Boy's laughter as it was wafted to me from another room unleashed a thousand apprehensions.

The question had unleashed itself in his brain with a suddenness that had startled him.

Its fury was unleashed, and the remembered wrongs of years impelled it to universal destruction.

Yet one cannot unleash from himself that which is his part in nature's unceasing life cycle.

They were unleashed and galloped along the trail, while the other dogs noisily accompanied them.

Outside, it was as if the unleashed furies of hell fought to quench their thirst in human blood.

And the unleashed energy that roared soundlessly through Stuart rocked his very soul on its foundations.

It held poised on the maelstrom of unleashed flame for an instant like a living thing of metal.

The boat was straining and panting, and, on being released, it sprang forward like a dog unleashed.

He had been hounded from cover to cover, as the fated stag is hunted by unleashed dogs.

The solemnity of the scene stilled his unrest, the strange freedom of longings unleashed that day.

Old dogs of war had been unleashed, and now a new pack was yelping on the trail.

Institutions make us what we are, and to free us from their shackles is to liberate virtue and unleash genius.

It tried to unleash its deadly shock, but it was weak and Nick felt only a faint tingle.

Then his mind broke away with the violence of a dog unleashed, and ran a wild course of surmises.

He was in the grip of a passion that had at last been wholly unleashed and was still unsatisfied.

The wild hatred of their savage nature would be unleashed, and terrible would be the lot of the vanquished.

His voice was vehement with the love and passion at length unleashed from bondage; his kisses hurt her.

All the ferocity of him, all the unleashed wish to rend and kill, was blazing in his soul.

The three guns raved and wailed with unleashed power, and the steam and horrible odor filled the air.

Unleash your dogs of war and make these hounds of convict stripe pay penalty for the great injury done.

Chum, unleashed, guided only by the voice, drew every eye to him by his rare beauty and his lofty self-possession.

It was precisely to win the woeful beauty of her that he had set his snares and unleashed his dogs.

She thought she might as well argue with the unleashed elements as with Silas in his bitterness and diabolical delight.

With unleashed power at his fingertips, he planned to pass his quarry on a higher plane, then circle and return.

How had I forgotten it, that deadly thing, muttering to itself out there, ready to spring back like an unleashed beast?

A cork could not have been more lively in the sea that was kicked up by the droning velocity of the unleashed winds.

She closed the door then and sat down once more, but that which had crouched out of their talk was unleashed now.

They had unleashed the dragon and his breath was a fire that seared, and his tail was a thunder that toppled towers.

He felt himself strangely impressed though he sought to argue with himself that here was but more absurdity from an empty-headed girl who had the money and the power to unleash her extravagant desires.

The urge to get away from this tumult had been accumulating, away from the steam of the storm that whipped everything up, from the gathering urgency to flee, the wish to save himself, all these were now unleashed.

Only ... there had been a reason for the violence I had unleashed against him, and I wanted her to hear the full story as quickly as possible, so that she would calm down and become a responsible person again herself.

At the dawn of the 21st century a free people must now choose to shape the forces of the Information Age and the global society, to unleash the limitless potential of all our people, and, yes, to form a more perfect union.

Stine's face was becoming white and tense, and the others gave uneasy glances in his direction, but he did not interrupt, and Jon kept going, unleashing the whole torrent of thoughts that had tormented his soul for so long, so very long.

At that moment he wanted, more than he wanted anything else in the wide scope of his unleashed desires, to kill Rod Norton; he balanced that fact with the other fact that less than anything in the world did he want to be killed himself.