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Use uncharacteristic in a sentence

Definition of uncharacteristic:

  • (adjective) distinctive and not typical; "a book uncharacteristic of its author"

Sentence Examples:

It seemed uncharacteristic of you, somehow.

Hurd was behaving in a most oddly uncharacteristic fashion.

It seemed unlike her; it was uncharacteristic.

Beyond this the bones were quite uncharacteristic.

She stamped a foot in uncharacteristic fury.

Besides, it would be so uncharacteristic.

Was his uncharacteristic exclamation.

Claire's mouth set, in quite an uncharacteristic way.

He lapsed back into silence after this uncharacteristic admission.

The young man wondered with uncharacteristic gloom.

The other characters are lifeless, common, and uncharacteristic.

It adds nothing to his reputation, and seems uncharacteristic.