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Definition of scarce:

  • (adjective) deficient in quantity or number compared with the demand;
  • (adjective) not enough; hard to find;
  • (adverb) by a small margin;

Sentence Examples:

The Mexican had scarce ended his soliloquy, ere a shadow stood out in the gloom, and the man of whom he was speaking appeared.

"I do not say I will not; I suppose you are going to ask the Marquis for some men, as soldiers are scarce at the pueblo?"

To-day, with scarce a thought for his dress, he looked merely what he was: an educated man, of average physique, of intelligent visage, of easy bearing.

Without that, all the good and holy ordinances which you can make, will scarce avail for the reformation of the heart in good earnest.

I carried my flowers reverently, for were they not the first promise of spring, the smile, as it were, of the scarce known year?

In truth, and I am well pleased to see you; yet, had I met you elsewhere I should have scarce known you for my old playmate.

Scarce ten minutes from the time when the last man appeared, two men might have been seen urging their steeds in the same direction.

The otter, meanwhile, swam towards the horn of the bay, his long back flush with the surface, scarce rippled by his advance.

Let them give you some ale in the buttery, but when I send word to have the people collected in the great hall, make yourself scarce.

The club which the Princess had inaugurated with such brilliance in May had thrived in a way that even she could scarce have anticipated.

It was popular after the Civil War for decorating graves and so has become, in many places, a scarce plant because of this practice.

English examples of this period are very scarce, and the buffet illustrated here is a favorable specimen of our national work late in the fifteenth century.

Sundry persons seemed to be awakened; among whom were two stupid creatures, whom I could scarce ever before keep awake while I was discoursing to them.

The fields, of which it is scarce possible to obtain a glimpse from these "covered ways," are paltry paddocks, rarely exceeding two or three acres.

Just in front of them, in the air, over a high hedge, scarce touching the topmost twigs with his hoofs, appeared a great red horse.

Then they had quickly stood apart, as if afraid of each other, and finished picking their berries and gone home soberly, with scarce a word.

"And now, I will to rest, for I have scarce slept the last two nights, and we must be in the saddle long before daybreak."

The battle continued day and night for five days, with scarce an intermission, the various English admirals sometimes attacking all together, sometimes separately.

The doctor had said he needed change of air and nourishing food; but how could the doctor's orders be obeyed when money was so scarce?

I did not find the description of literature alluded to by the publisher to be a drug, but, on the contrary, both scarce and dear.

In force of character and in personal bravery she was scarce inferior to her heroic husband, and yet she lacked not discretion or even shrewdness.

I did not find the description of literature alluded to by the publisher to be a drug, but, on the contrary, both scarce and dear.

I did not find the description of literature alluded to by the publisher to be a drug, but, on the contrary, both scarce and dear.

Cried he, drawing out a number of papers, so stained with blood, fresh from the veins of the slain robber, as to be scarce legible.

The tariff, mentioned in my last, excites universal complaint; there is scarce a Minister from a maritime Court, who is not preparing to make remonstrances.

Worst of all, because of its immediate effect upon the temper of the time, food was very scarce and prices had risen to indefensible heights.

Said the youngster, with half his attention fixed regretfully on the receding reptile, which, seeing the coast clear, was rapidly making itself scarce.

If the lioness should allow them to begin their feast upon the antelopes, in a very short while scarce a morsel of either would remain.

The crimson that has struggled through the brown skin of her cheeks would scarce forsake them in the teeth of the deadliest danger.

Upon my soul (whispering), the bride is scarce as beautiful as he, although as fair as one of the noble swans who sail on those clear waters.

Both stood staring, both stood amazed, and scarce believed their eyes, when Sophia, stepping from the shelter of the settle, stood before them.

They had hoped to find cassava roots in the islands, but these proved scarce, and consequently they suffered greatly from want of food.

Most of the hunters were too ill to walk, and, as game was scarce, the horrors of starvation, combined with disease, almost exterminated the band.

They lead a rambling nomadic existence, shifting their camping places from one region to another, whenever the game in their vicinity gets shy or scarce.

As soon as this work was concluded, he gave a gentle whistle, scarce audible, and the mulatto immediately came running down the steep river bank.

And butter and eggs are very expensive, for the climate at the seaside never seems to agree with either cows or hens; they are scarce.

Gun flints are practically indestructible, and gunpowder can be manufactured by the Arabs under the most rough-and-ready conditions; but cartridges are comparatively scarce.

I did not find the description of literature alluded to by the publisher to be a drug, but, on the contrary, both scarce and dear.

It argues strange apathy in the natives that in a country where water is so scarce, a hamlet or hacienda should not have been erected around it.

A more horribly ludicrous collection of little withered faces, shrunk into expression so entirely inconsistent with the gaiety of their dresses, could scarce be conceived.

Beggared and outcast, with literally scarce a shirt to his back, without money to pay a corporal's guard, how was he to maintain an army?

Such dogs are scarce, but with careful handling, the proper breed (wire-haired fox terrier or other terrier) soon learns and enjoys this work.

Our rations were scarce here as we drew nothing but flour, and as we had no means of cooking it we might as well have had none.

There had passed scarce a quarter of an hour since the first alarm was given, and by now the townspeople had come out to aid.

Insects were remarkably scarce and uninteresting, and I looked forward anxiously to the time when I could start for some distant and more promising district.

The red flowers are very common, the white are more scarce; if the white flower be preserved about the person, it will render one invulnerable.

In the eventful life of Napoleon, the number eighteen was associated with so many important events, that you will scarce deny something more than casualty.

The spasm-like expression that passed over his face, was scarce human in its meaning, and the spectators started back with a sudden fear.

Yet, with scarce an hour of rest, Sir Nigel was as blithe and bright as ever as they set forth after breakfast upon their way.

When I started breeding blue Persians about fifteen years ago they were very scarce, and I could easily get twenty-five dollars apiece for my kittens.

It was but just a month after war had been declared, and money was still scarce and shy of peeping out and showing itself.

He scarce had swallowed it when he was taken violently ill, and continued so all the next day, with a griping, purging, and vomiting.

As to the finances, they had scarce an existence, but as a matter of plunder to the managers, and of grants to insatiable and ungrateful courtiers.

I speak as a bachelor, but in my experience there is a half-hour before lunch in which that man is best appreciated who makes himself scarce.

I have been weak, and grievously tempted; and I felt scarce strong enough, even though protected by prayers, to withstand also my deep love for you.

The French regiment, once broken, had been cut down with scarce any resistance, while the mercenary cavalry had been defeated with the greatest ease.

The feeblest and the worst of mankind have had power almost to annihilate it, and more than once has it seemed scarce to retain its life.

The companion door was small, and being scarce more than ajar I was not surprised that only a very faint light entered by it.

This is probably the reasons why woodpeckers are scarce with us, while in the tropics they are among the most abundant of solitary birds.

I dreaded to look back; moreover, I was so eagerly employed in helping to propel our floating plank that I had scarce time for looking around.

This Town is now so in your power, that of the former inhabitants, I believe scarce one in twenty can challenge any property in their houses.

Dad, the day's trade over, sat brooding at home, and scarce would hie him forth, the fear of process for debt hanging over him.

Few people use it, and these do not become so accustomed to it as to be willing to pay a high price for it when it is scarce.

Broken and scarce coherent at times, his letter revealed one who loved her ardently, and who wanted but her pledge to feel himself happy.

I could scarce restrain a smile at the notion of dieting a man for a duel, though, I confess, there seemed something excessively bloodthirsty about it.

At last Atahualpa, anxious to get back to his forces at any cost, made a proposition so startling that the Spaniards could scarce believe their ears.

Towards the conclusion of the war, when soldiers became scarce, the common prisoners were summarily placed in the regiments without giving them a choice.

Scarce knowing what I did, acting upon an impulsive instinct that was as irresistible as it was unreasoning, I made for the apartments of Madonna Paola.

There is however, a species of light wood which is found excellent for boat building, but it is scarce and hardly ever found of large size.

I am not, however, forgetting that the plan will shorten the job for you, but work will surely not be scarce this fine weather.

She scarce felt gladness at his escape; though it would have been supreme joy, had she herself been the instrument that had secured it.

Everywhere there was solitude, yet everywhere there was surely a ceaseless movement of minute and vital things, scarce visible sun fairies eternally at play.

Animal life is very scarce; a few seals, an occasional gull, and three brown falcons, are the only creatures we have seen for several days past.

He accordingly harangued the deputations; declared his surprise as well as sympathy and love with such assurance that they scarce could believe their ears.

Every ship that touches here is greeted with a volley, though ammunition is sometimes scarce, but the Montenegrin can better spare bread than shot.

Astronomers find therein the Names but of few Stars, scarce so many as in Achilles his Buckler in Homer, and almost the very same.

There was a childish, feeble gladness in the eye, and a half-piteous smile about the mouth at times, which one could scarce look upon without tears.

Eggs were by no means scarce; but steaks and mutton and pork chops were the popular choice, and potatoes and vegetables a customary accompaniment.

He was bound up by his orders to such inviolable secrecy, that he could not make any inquiries for it, or scarce receive it, if offered.

Ministers were as scarce as buffaloes, and when a couple decided to get "spliced" they went to the nearest justice of the peace or county judge.

He would bring home the seal, the walrus, now growing so scarce, the grim white bear, and make many a feast for his people.

Once begun, the desert areas must perforce spread as water becomes scarce, invading and occupying territory in proportion as the rainfall there grows small.

Yet, he told himself, in disgust, that even a child of six would scarce have needed such confirmation that the clumsily blurted tale was a lie.

We need accurate and comprehensive knowledge of our mineral resources and must intensify our efforts to develop new supplies and to acquire stockpiles of scarce materials.

Beef and forage were scarce, and they had passed rivers, wading to the stomach, often seven times a day, and never less than three.

Unable to make headway, my father and mother had drifted with the current, and this toward the dreadful rapids, now scarce a mile away.

His own consort was scarce safe from the violence of those hideous wretches who concealed the vilest crimes under the garb of Puritan godliness.

And thereupon such a mortal paleness came upon him, and his knees shook so under him, for the deceit, that he scarce could stand.

Most bears leave their dens in late March or April and from then until early summer, when berries begin ripening, they find food scarce.

"She's the daughter of my dearest beautiful sister, Kathleen, and there's scarce a year between the child and us, that I can vouch for."

If the general good required the sacrifice of his life, the particular calamities of his family were dismissed with scarce a thought beyond a pious supplication.

If the general good required the sacrifice of his life, the particular calamities of his family were dismissed with scarce a thought beyond a pious supplication.

Vegetables, seem also to be very scarce, and when you do get any, they generally consist of turnips, or turnip tops boiled by way of greens.

He scarce ever balked a party of pleasure, or a sporting excursion, and rarely pleaded his own concerns as an excuse for rejecting those of others.

When the buffalo became scarce, or the grass bad, we marched to other ground, thus roving up and down the river for eighty miles.

"Colonels must have been scarce in your youth, sir," cried John, who had rather a mischievous propensity to start the old man on his hobby.

Looking at her so, Calvert could scarce believe that it was the same arrogant beauty who had regarded him so haughtily but a moment before.

Money was scarce, and in many districts the natural obstacles to be overcome were infinitely greater than any which had presented themselves to European engineers.

Game had now become scarce in the neighborhood of the camp, and it was necessary, according to Indian custom, to move off to a less beaten ground.

The proof of it is that you can keep your factory open in a district where furs are rather scarce, and you have had very few mishaps.