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Use obtrude in a sentence

Definition of obtrude:

  • (verb) push to thrust outward
  • (verb) thrust oneself in as if by force

Sentence Examples:

Certainly nothing to be obtruded upon my friend.

His personality is never obtruded on his readers.

And what object is that which first obtrudes itself upon our sight?

However, I don't wish to interfere with Cousin Hamilton, or obtrude my son upon her.

I have not yet opened my door, that I may not be obtruded upon my them.

He lets his characters show themselves without obtruding unnecessary comment.

What has Campbell ever obtruded on the Public of his private history?

No such thought as this, however, obtruded itself upon Maggie as she bent over the chest.

The basest action you ever did was the obtruding yourself upon them as an instructor.

They would not obtrude on the feast, but must hear the music intimately.

And both obtruded themselves in the most offensive, and, so to speak, crude form.

I do assure you, that I am as unwilling to obtrude myself upon it, as any of it can wish.

In this connection the mysterious and haunting question of sex obtruded itself.

Occasionally, however, a sharp doubt obtruded itself, and roused me for an instant.

Again that phantom obtruded; again guilt laid his red hand on my soul.

No thought of sex seemed to obtrude itself on them.

I will not obtrude myself upon your noble heart.

Yields before a persistent obtruding influence.

At this point the question of languages obtrudes itself.

All the old arguments obtruded.

On no account obtrude yourself personally into affairs there.

He felt that he could not have obtruded himself on so mixed an assembly.

I believe one reflection uniformly obtrudes itself upon every reader of these paragraphs.

Maynard thought it wise not to obtrude her own opinions.

The difficulty obtruded itself from the moment the idea was born.

Balfour if she could have the liberty to obtrude a matter of business upon him.

Just the moment one starts to obtrude, make it get out.

Very retiring and modest in his demeanor, he rarely obtruded himself upon the House.

The reality of life once more obtruded itself upon his conscience.

She always went when called for, but never obtruded herself on others.

Naturally his own part in the book is not obtruded upon our notice.

Fortunately it is here no part of a reviewer's task to obtrude his own political theories.

Her husband did not attempt to obtrude his presence upon her during those three days.

Factories and business houses may not obtrude, but flats are almost sure to come.

And now a serious question obtrudes itself.

Aurora obtruded now, and he looked into his mate's face.

It was his habit to obtrude himself upon everybody.

Even as he spoke, an unpleasant question was obtruding itself.

The same trait often obtrudes into the review of books of the first importance.

It was obtruded on his recollection by the force of association.

Her old-time excited contradictions never obtruded themselves in their conversations.

A vision of her own sad face obtruded itself, but she put it sternly from her.

I should not think of obtruding myself at present.

Her acting was never trivial, and it never obtruded the tedious element of dry intellect.

The reader will, I am sure, pardon me for obtruding this purely personal matter.

An absurd little fear obtruded itself into her happiness.

I was fearful to obtrude myself.

He was 'very shy of obtruding himself on persons of condition.'

Only on training days and other periods of excitement, did his insanity obtrude itself.

"I give you my word that I will not obtrude upon you in any way."

While practical lessons run throughout, they are never obtruded.

It was to take her at a disadvantage to obtrude love upon her at such a time.

The moral of George Eliot's writings is not obtruded.

Rocks obtruded themselves in unexpected places.

The true artist never seeks to obtrude, or to make his own personality the first thing.

What right to obtrude her honest sympathy upon his secret pain?

What right had she, his erring wife, to obtrude herself upon his feelings at such a time?

Is there any place desirable for living purposes in which the railway does not obtrude?

Here, again, the slavery question was obtruded into national politics.

Some obtrude themselves on all occasions, and some are never to be found in times of need.

"Are you going to obtrude your somewhat massive personality upon the scene?"

There is no formal moral, obtruding itself in set phrase.

"The stranger, unwilling to obtrude himself on our notice, left in the morning."

Into the picture no third figure ever obtruded.

On this point, however, I repeat that I would not venture to obtrude my weak judgment.

It did not seem fitting to obtrude upon the pride of the great.

I think it's a beautiful picnic day, but far be it from me to obtrude my own opinions.

Then thoughts of the future obtruded themselves.

His peculiar notions were not obtruded, and caused no annoyance.

She was consistent in an ever new and charming way; she never obtruded her consistency.

In every fourth line Sylvia Morgan again, and despite his efforts, had obtruded herself.

For two weeks not a cloud obtruded on the clear sky of his content.

Even into war the affairs of business life obtrude.

Bitter experience in the past had taught him not to obtrude when deep called thus to deep.

He broke off and frowned, for a vague, unpleasant memory obtruded itself.

It was seldom that he prayed so definitely, or ventured to obtrude his private wishes.

You admit that not to obtrude self is the way to perfect yourself.

People have come out to enjoy themselves, and you obtrude yourself upon them.

Very serious, very important reflections began to obtrude.

He had certainly not obtruded himself upon her, for which she was grateful.

Traces of the old obtrude themselves plainly from between the lines of the new.

Howells himself from obtruding his own personality.

Then her own uncomfortable condition obtruded itself once more, and she arose.

Jarvis obtruded itself on her Sabbath thoughts.

He does not obtrude on her devotions, but hurries to the place of rendezvous.

Sorry I obtruded ...

The kitchen, too, obtruded and occupied the foreground of life.

Then I will sincerely beg your excuse for obtruding so disagreeable a subject, and retire.

It has a thesis, but this is implied rather than obtruded.

Then a strange phenomenon obtruded itself upon Dick's notice.

How strange that the same memory did not obtrude itself on him.

She would not obtrude before she was wanted, but Margaret was certain to send.

Thoughts of himself never seemed to have obtruded upon his mind.

It was this peculiar notion once more obtruded upon me that stung me into speech with him.

Now I obtruded myself upon them, and felt delight in scaring them.

Even in his busiest hours memories of Barclay and the woman obtruded themselves.

He really ought to know better than to obtrude his money worries upon every one.

Another matter for the columns of the Optimist was obtruded upon the breakfast table.

It hides itself under many disguises, obtrudes its head in the most unexpected situations.

Faults of which he had been happily unconscious, obtruded themselves upon his notice.