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Use nuzzle in a sentence

Definition of nuzzle:

  • (verb) move or arrange oneself in a comfortable and cozy position;
  • (verb) rub noses
  • (verb) dig out with the snout; "the pig nuzzled the truffle"

Sentence Examples:

Don't make me nuzzle your hair.

Stiff fur nuzzled her skin.

That nuzzling seemed to sober them.

They are nuzzling already at my toes!

Nuzzling away in the old corner, I see.

Moving surely forward, she nuzzled his face.

The animal's head was nuzzled against his shoulder.

I nuzzled his neck with my soft lips.

Soft white nose, too thick at the nuzzling tip.

She stood there while the pony nuzzled her gently.

Nuzzling my hand, I stroked his head, thanking him for this ecstasy.

The dog nuzzled his head into her hand and marched steadily beside her.

He grinned and nuzzled her affectionately, and decided to stay a while longer.

Molly nuzzled Maggie's pockets, but gave up when she didn't find a treat.

She took hold of his bridle and he nuzzled against her shoulder affectionately.

One sun was nuzzling the horizon, so the air was red with afternoon.

He was sitting with his mouth nuzzling the stick, blinking at the wall.

He crawled across the floor and nuzzled his brother with his high forehead.

And like a trunk it nuzzled us, caught us up, swept us to the crest.

And he nuzzled up to his master, in a way that made his tears come.

She nuzzled his neck, then bit it, then kissed it, then bit it again.

The animal turned his head and nuzzled his master, as if he could give him warmth.

Alfred never said a word, but nuzzled at me and begged for a lump of sugar.

He nuzzled my throat and licked up the tears as they slid past my chin.

As the elevator doors opened, he slipped an arm about her waist and nuzzled her hair.

The child nuzzled to his breast, shrieking, and the father tried to pull her away.

It would be so nice just to lean back and nuzzle up to her, down in the sand.

Hilda put the baby in Sarah's arms, and he began to nuzzle at her shrunken breasts.

He stopped before Bruce and nuzzled the man's hands as they caressed his hot, soft nose.

The silken head under his hand shifted, and the cold little nose again nuzzled his palm.

Fish were nuzzling her, yet she dared not move for dread of setting the water waving.

He nuzzled his silky nose against the coat of his master just as in the days of old.

She nuzzled him as a pet horse might do, but made not the slightest effort to bite.

He nuzzled his blond head against hers for a moment; then slipped an arm round her waist.

He covered his face with dog kisses, and nuzzled his hand, but the hand would not move.