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Use levy in a sentence

Definition of levy:

  • (noun) a charge imposed and collected
  • (noun) the act of drafting into military service
  • (verb) impose and collect; "levy a fine"
  • (verb) cause to assemble or enlist in the military

Sentence Examples:

Well, Doctor, name the amount and nature of the blackmail you intend to levy upon me.

They adjusted taxation to suit themselves, assessing their own huge estates at figures nothing short of ridiculous, while levying heavily upon the small farmer, and especially upon enterprise and improvements.

The tax is all levied directly upon the recipients of the individual incomes, and the assessment is based upon the taxpayer's declaration, which for the purposes of this tax must cover the "entire net income from all sources, corporate or otherwise."

A mere trader ought not to grumble at the tolls levied by a mighty king.

Taxes were both direct and indirect, levied upon every article of consumption, upon everything that was imported or exported, upon income, upon capital, upon the transmission of property, upon even the few privileges which were enjoyed.

The men of both armies were comparatively raw levies, highly susceptible to the influence of "surprise," and the appearance of an enemy on their flanks, or in their rear, was calculated to throw them into disorder.

It was accordingly laid down as a rule that in the case of the infantry the levy should be in the proportion of eighty holders of a full hide, twenty from each of the three next ranks, and twenty-eight from the last.

Town clerk must certify to proper officer the tax levied at town meeting.

They had expected to receive some great reward from him because they had taken the first steps in making him emperor, but instead of securing anything they had additional contributions levied upon them.

They adopted also another and a new form of levy, from the scarcity of free persons, and from necessity: they armed eight thousand stout youths from the slaves, purchased at the public expense, first inquiring of each whether he was willing to serve.

The reasons for this were, the heavy taxes which were levied by the feudal lords on all merchandise exhibited for sale, and the danger which foreign merchants ran of being plundered on their way, or even at the fair itself.

Caesar is wicked, Brutus is impious, since they of their own heads have levied an army against the consul.

Caesar, who has levied an army against you, is extolled to the skies.

In this manner we passed eight or ten days, my master taking the air every day with the most perfect ease of a man of fashion, and returning home to feast on the contributions of the charitable, levied by poor Lazaro.

A poll tax of one dollar a year was levied on each male adult, to be collected from the chiefs of the several districts; with a part of the funds thus raised schools for popular instruction were to be established throughout the country.

General Griffith Rutherford raised a frontier levy and soon relieved the besieged stations.

Under this pretext, a levy was made of all the most desperate ruffians that could be collected together.

Their money is all gone, and they subsist merely by levying contributions.

It must not be supposed, however, that in the case of offerings or gatherings, or of levies to raise a certain sum where each man assessed himself, it was entirely optional for each to give or to refuse.

The incidental aid against foreign competition which they still enjoy gives them an advantage which no other pursuits possess, but of this none others will complain, because the duties levied are necessary for revenue.

We could levy no contributions upon him, or in any other way make him feel the pressure of the war, but must remain inactive and await his approach, being in constant uncertainty at what point on the line or at what time he might make an assault.

The existing laws, as I am advised, are sufficient to authorize and enable the collecting officers, under the directions of the Secretary of the Treasury, to levy the duties imposed by the act of 1833.

In such cases the funds of the insurance departments are separate from the general funds of the brotherhoods, and the dues for maintaining the insurance departments are levied as assessments distinct from the general levies.

The consuls were ordered to levy two legions, and to disband the veteran troops.

He had to arrange for new levies from a people unused to war, and to settle with infinite anxiety and much wear and tear of mind and body, the conflict as to rank among officers to whom he could apply no test but his own insight.

The army itself was recruited with difficulty, for such was the horror of the profession of a soldier which affected the minds of the degenerate Romans that compulsory levies had frequently to be made.

I'm sending you down to the trail crossing to levy on two commissary wagons.

As to a levy of soldiers in the town, how were they to be equipped?

It was at first proposed to include this, sum in the bond issue that could not be escaped, but reflection assured us that so temporary a purpose was not a proper use of bond money, and we met the expenditure from the annual tax levy.

Since it must provide for the expense of maintaining these buildings, for the salaries of county officers, and for other expenses connected with roads, poor, and other county business, the board must also have the power of levying taxes.

By some curious mental process the idea of a levy on capital has come into rapidly increasing prominence in the last few months, and seems to be gaining popularity in quarters where one would least expect it.

Then a great longing came upon me to join the levy and fight the Danes, if fight there should be, and I began to plan to do it in some way, yet could not see how to disguise myself, or think to whose company to pretend to belong.

My father's levy had had ale in casks, and food brought out to them while they waited.

I have always mentioned tobacco and alcohol as commodities on which larger taxes should be levied, but I have expressed a doubt whether it is right to tax the alcohol in factories while it is being made.

Soon after the battle of Bull Run or First Manassas, the Richmond Government made a call upon the different States for a new levy to meet the call of President Lincoln for three hundred thousand more troops to put down the Rebellion.

The storm I foretold in vain has broken over the land, and the levies are not ready to meet it.

Infirmaries were supported by a tax of the king levied on nearby counties.

A tax is a levy of money on things or persons under disguises that are more or less specious.

These things being said, the Shrine was not meddled with, nor any ransom levied for it.

Moreover, the attempt to levy blackmail is itself an offense always sternly dealt with in the courts.

He has built such fortifications as his means permitted; for this he has levied various duties and contributions.

They have even said that, if there is no other means to have galleys, there should be none, or that the king find the method, since, by virtue of the tribute that he levies, the defense of the land belongs to him.

Gold, silver, oil, and clothing are among the objects upon which the duty was to be levied.

After the armistice he repeated his promise and undertook not to levy fresh taxation.

It was pointed out long ago that a tax thus levied on all alike would be paid wholly by the capitalist and "would neither affect the prices of the commodities produced nor the distribution of capital."

He serves subpoenas, levies executions, conducts the sales of the court, and makes arrests.

Authority may be granted to counties, school districts, or to municipalities, upon the recommendation of the corporate authority, to maintain schools by local taxation, levied in addition to the amount appropriated by the State.

Furthermore, an adult probation system is gradually being substituted for the system of fines which at present are levied in such wise as to virtually constitute a license and a partnership with the police department.

Those who held firm he forced to pay increased taxes, and even levied blackmail on the churches.

A tax of twenty-five cents apiece was levied on the members of both classes.

The necessities of the government require large revenues, and it is not proposed to interfere with a tariff so long as it is levied to produce them; but, to a tariff levied for protection in itself and for its own sake, I do object.

This is proposed to be done by levying a duty upon the foreign importation.

The auditors recommend that some changes be made in the duties levied on goods, which are onerous on the merchants.

In relation to domestic commerce, a tax is levied on every article of food and clothing.

I would that in the English levies there was the order and quickness that was in Olaf's ships.

And he spoke of the help of the ships that Olaf had gathered, praising him honestly, and not over much or too little, so that I forgot his doubtful speeches, and thought that all was well, and that his own levies were now gathering.

I am only the agent of those who levy this blackmail; nothing more.

It is best to conciliate him, for you will never again have an opportunity to levy against his assets.

However, the levies of Essex surrounded the precincts, and he was soon forced by hunger to surrender.

The diversion was a failure; the local levies had proved amply sufficient to cope with the enemy.

I regard the tax that has been levied from such houses as a disgraceful tribute.

The justices thus chosen by every ward, would constitute the county court, would do its judiciary business, direct roads and bridges, levy county and poor rates, and administer all the matters of common interest to the whole county.

The fair face of the outright and graduated levy would be marred in many ways.

Charles I's renewed acts of oppression and open violation of the laws, with his levies of "ship money," led to the Grand Remonstrance, an appeal to the nation to support Parliament in its struggle with the King.

He said that the present levies were no other than such as those Princes made the last year, and usually make every year for their own defense in case there should be any occasion, and that he knew of no design extraordinary.

You left him hastening to rejoin with his new loyalist levies, I hope?

We lend Leland Stanford a quarter, and he next buys up three or four high-priced legislatures and defies the Constitution of the United States to prevent him levying a tax on "his people" of a million dollars with a stroke of his pen.

They had levied contribution upon all the silver plate that could be found, which was hardly necessary, for, as they had arrived too late to have a proper meal prepared, they had to be content with what they had brought with them.

The latter amounts to eighteen francs per head, and is levied on rich and poor alike.

Why, months ago they had called out by a levy en masse, all who were capable of bearing arms.

Direct taxes must be levied by the rule of apportionment and indirect taxes by the rule of uniformity.

The idea that a delegation of discretion in the exercise of the war power stands on a different footing than delegation of authority to levy a tax is implicit in Justice Bradley's opinion in Hamilton v.

While they unite in the Western Forestry and Conservation Association, and levy a special assessment to support its work, the local organizations are wholly independent in their actual forest fire work.

They had therefore no recourse but to return to the sea, and levy new contributions, to be dissipated as before.

The king openly avowed and maintained this power of levying taxes at pleasure.

The convocation gave the king four shillings in the pound to be levied in two years.

He named commissioners for levying a benevolence, and he extorted about seventy thousand pounds by this expedient.

He went over to the Isle of Wight, of which he was governor, levied a body of four hundred men; and having at last obtained, as is supposed, the secret permission of Henry, sailed with them to Brittany.

This parliament also passed an act, empowering the king to levy, by course of law, all the sums which any person had agreed to pay by way of benevolence; a statute by which that arbitrary method of taxation was indirectly authorized and justified.

The usual method of those who opposed the court in the money bills, was, if they failed in the main vote, as to the extent of the supply, to levy the money upon such funds as they expected would be unacceptable, or would prove deficient.

An army had been levied; and it was found that discipline could not be enforced without the exercise of martial law, which was therefore established by order of council, though contrary to the petition of right.

They forthwith resolved to assist his majesty with their lives and fortunes; they voted a temporary aid of four hundred and twenty thousand pounds, to be levied by monthly assessments, and both houses waited on the king to signify this resolution.

Ten legions were levied, a greater army than had ever been raised before.

We believe that it is a part of sovereignty, and can no more with safety be delegated to private individuals than we could afford to delegate to private individuals the power to make penal statutes or levy taxes.

Two of the columns had been attacked by the peasants and, being largely composed of new levies, had at once lost heart and retreated; the central column, in which were the regular troops, being obliged in consequence also to fall back.

Consequently, the men have little discipline and no confidence in each other, and are little better than raw levies; but for rough street fighting I have no doubt they would be all right, especially when backed by good troops like yours.

In this state of things he has assumed, as the committee fully believe, the exercise of the whole legislative power to himself, and is levying millions of money upon the people, without any authority of law.

For ten years past you have been successfully levying blackmail on your brother.

The pretence of a constitutional rule too was soon thrown off, and in the opening of 1485 a general irritation was caused by the levy of benevolences in defiance of the statute which had just been passed.

In 1908 the coal miners' union refused to pay a fine levied against it, alleging that it had no funds.

Only at certain points, as, for example, in respect to the levying of customs duties and of taxes, was the original independence of the individual state seriously impaired by the terms of the new arrangement.

"I was afraid he had fallen into the clutches of someone who was threatening him, possibly levying blackmail."

The concurrence of the several legislatures was required to levy a tax, raise an army, or ratify a treaty.

I was received at Shiraz with the greatest distinctions, and presents were made to me to a considerable amount; which, in addition to what I had levied from the villages on the road, made a handsome sum.

In a few months more, certainly by the spring of 1862, the instruction, discipline, and field experience of the first levy would have given good officers enough to organize and command a million more men.

No protectionists so ardent in the Bismarck ranks as to propose to levy a tax on literature and science.

The plans we have discussed for the treatment of monopolies have for their object a benefit to the people at large, by enabling them to purchase the products of industry and of natural wealth free from the tax now levied upon them by monopolies.

The militia and levies were the first to cross, though there was some vexing delay in getting them off.

I stated distinctly that the purpose of the bill was not merely to levy a reasonable tax on the banks, but also to induce them to withdraw their paper, in order to substitute for it a national currency.

Raw levies, however plucky, can be no match for such troops as the Prussians, in the open.