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Use knocker in a sentence

Definition of knocker:

  • (noun) a boastful immoderate person
  • (noun) a person who knocks (as seeking to gain admittance);
  • (noun) one who disparages or belittles the worth of something
  • (noun) either of two soft fleshy milk-secreting glandular organs on the chest of a woman
  • (noun) a device (usually metal and ornamental) attached by a hinge to a door

Sentence Examples:

I had no sooner struck the knocker than I wanted to run away.

As I reached it I saw that there was a card tied to the knocker.

A loose pillow block box is a good "knocker."

And what a variety of ancient knockers have we here!

Then Chase mounted the steps and lifted the knocker with trembling fingers.

At that, since there was neither bell nor knocker, he raised his fist and banged loudly.

The blue seas disappeared, and he saw instead the brass knocker of the house opposite.

The sound of a bell or a knocker at the close of the evening is the signal of dismay.

Presently the cab stopped before a large wooden gate with two enormous knockers.

A single blow of the massive glittering knocker brought a servant to the door.

He paused to consider, then tried the knocker again.

He lifted the heavy iron knocker, and knocked loudly.

The knocker of this door is bandaged with linen like a sore thumb.

An iron knocker was attached to it.

Because mediums is knockers, and when they pass out a bouquet, you can bet they mean it.

The knocker was thick with dust and had obviously not been used for a long time.

I once knew a youth who had a drawer filled with knockers.

One Knocker, an elderly female, had often played with her on the hills.

The knocker was wrought in the shape of a key.

Henri lifted the knocker and struck once, then again.

You know there are always "knockers," and I knew quite a few.

Again the knocker was heard, but no one was to be seen when the door was again opened.

A huge brass knocker was attached to the door.

Her hand was at the heavy knocker as she spoke.

She kept within the house; when the knocker sounded she went to her own room.

Nate lifted the knocker and pounded with a will.

Reward merit and give the disagreeable things to be done to the "knockers."

He was a "knocker," a man who wanted to hold the community back.

The knocker is a thing which is generally composed of brass or iron.

Reynolds studied the brass knocker of a face, but found no clue to the riddle.

The iron knocker on the front door sounded.

These doors had knockers and servant's bells.

Come on, let's get out and try the old knocker.

A knocker which is out of order except when your back is turned.

A man who can make enough noise when he wins out to drown the voices of the knockers.

Again he lifted the knocker, and sounded a noisy summons.

We boldly lifted the great brass knocker, and were dismayed because nobody answered.

There is no knocker to the door, and no bell that rings upstairs.

The copper knocker of the door appeared to him to be of fine gold.

As he stood up again he heard the knocker rap on his street-door.

She went around to the back door, and raised a feeble clatter with the knocker.

"Since the knocker has disappeared, I will kick instead with all my might."

At last there came a wild, unusual beat of the knocker.

The sound of the knocker recalled the women to their usual station.

How wonderful that you should have been able to reach my knocker.

He did not stop to lift the brass knocker this time.

With sensations of keen interest he lifted the knocker.

There was not even a knocker on the door by which to make known my presence to you.

The doctor's wife raised the brass knocker.

She lifted the heavy knocker; an old man opened the door.

Raising her hand to the knocker, she gave two sharp raps.

Jerome went straight round to this side door and raised the knocker.

We went up three steps, and felt for the knocker.

I heard the boom of the iron knocker, followed by a gleam of light through a lower window.

The iron knocker rang loudly twice before there came any response from within.

By that time I had found a knocker and was making the night hideous.

He used his left hand to raise the knocker on Jennie's door.

He lifted the heavy brass knocker, and struck thrice.

My companion suddenly turned, mounted two steps, and lifted a knocker.

He had to strike a match to look for a bell or knocker, and then found neither.

I lifted the heavy brass knocker of the green double door and let it fall once.

It had no knocker, not even a slit for letters.

Our Knockers are some of these powers, the guardians of mines.

And his face was actually beaming with smiles, as his hand rested on the knocker.

She managed to reach the front door and to lift the knocker.

He brought the big iron knocker down rather lightly, hoping only Lin would hear it.

Again the knocker was raised and lowered, a little louder than before.

Something seemed to tell him who was at the business end of that knocker.

The front door was painted green now, and it had a shiny brass knocker.

He lifted the brass knocker and struck but once.

The veiled lady, Chance, would never lift her hand to the knocker on the outer door.

Through the stillness of the house the hammering of the brass knocker sounded loudly.

Then there was impatient thundering at the knocker, and wild ringing of the bell.

No sooner had they settled themselves again than the door knocker sounded.

No bell was to be found, but an iron knocker hung upon the low door.

A clock in the hall was striking nine as Cleave lifted the knocker.

Simon shook the knocker, and then they both waited impatiently to get in.

A quaint knocker was above the handle to the latch.

Reaching up to the shining old brass knocker she banged it sharply.

The old knocker thumped again and again.

The door opened with a latch, and often had also a knocker.

Don't tell me that it wasn't a knocker.

He listened a moment, and then stepping up to the great door struck the knocker.

At last his knocker began to show signs of life: his visitors were physicians.

She was suddenly interrupted by a tap at the knocker.

Before a house with a white front door he stopped and attacked the knocker.

Eva questioned as Lena, lifting the old brass knocker, dropped it sharply.

The house inhabited by the clerk had neither bell, knocker, nor porter.

There was no bell or knocker, so, lifting the latch, I pushed the door open and entered.

At the door she met him, just lifting his hand to touch the knocker.

A moment later he had seized the brass knocker and delivered three moderate blows.

The footman seized the shining knocker, and gave a loud rap.

She lifted her hand to the knocker and found that the door yielded to her slight touch.

A quick tap on the knocker brought Mary Howe to the door.

"There is a knocker at the front door," said Lois.

She took the knocker herself, and fluttered it against the door.

I forgot this was the day until I pulled the knocker.

A moment later the great knocker had fallen.

For the knocker of the front door sounded loudly again.

This is the knocker, and serves to level the ridge before the wheels.