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Use impunity in a sentence

Definition of impunity:

  • (noun) exemption from punishment or loss

Sentence Examples:

I allow no one to do that with impunity.

They can kill them with perfect impunity.

For they can talk nonsense with impunity.

"They'll never attack me another time with impunity!"

You can't do these little games with impunity.

No man can wreck my home with impunity!

I could have taken that glass with impunity.

"A rare case of the beauty of impunity as impunity?"

Such visits were not always paid with impunity.

Truths so obscure may be neglected with impunity.

You could cut her dead with perfect impunity.

He could forget her very name with impunity.

In Mexico, priests can keep mistresses with impunity.

Never with impunity can you outrage human nature.

Ready to destroy everybody with impunity, aren't you!

Could one risk one's life twice with impunity!

I have never seen that maxim violated with impunity.

It is rich and can be eaten with impunity.

Most of these outrages were committed with entire impunity.

The laws of nature cannot be violated with impunity.

That man is not to be defied with impunity.

You can do with impunity what you are asked.

Even deputy sheriffs cannot commit murder with impunity.

It was what other men did with impunity.

My garden shall not be robbed with impunity.

She would not be ground down with impunity!

People then wrote all they liked with impunity.

As yet no one has ever done it with impunity.

A father may insult his son with impunity.

Nobody landed on this spell-bound island with impunity.

They do not accept this legislation with impunity.

Men slaughter each other with almost perfect impunity.

Murder and other crimes are committed with impunity.

I am not a man to be defied with impunity.

How few people can eat this meat with impunity!

Such privileges are not to be neglected with impunity.

Here I could shoot you with the greatest impunity.'

We can do nothing (but be poisoned) with impunity.

Such impunity of murder is frequent in that country.

One can never set himself on fire with impunity.

They are not things to be broken with impunity.

You can't do this kind of thing with impunity.

You turned them in your hands then with impunity.

We operate on all such cases now with impunity.

A man like myself cannot be tormented with impunity.

The springs of life cannot be corrupted with impunity.

You cannot now with impunity be wanting in Culture.

It is never with impunity, that men are deceived.

Henson could have done this thing with absolute impunity.

"He shall not insult my son with impunity!"

No one can mention a bath to me with impunity.

Others may handle both these plants with impunity.

I call it a case of crime that enjoys impunity.'

Perhaps previous experience enabled him to do so with impunity.

That is not to be done with impunity, I think.

Tradespeople may not sell stolen bracelets with impunity.

Torture and death; and that with perfect impunity.

Better to have it so than be cursed with impunity!

He might shoot from his present position with impunity.

The impunity which has attended these men is notorious.

Cried the king; "none shall deceive me with impunity."

In this climate one did not fast with impunity.

I am not one to be crossed or defied with impunity.

I will never be deserted and scorned with impunity.

Some men can exceed such limits with apparent impunity.

Giovanni, no one can defy danger forever with impunity!

What other women might do with impunity you couldn't.

You do not interrupt with impunity the natural harmonies.

Anybody's hand may be raised against him with impunity.

Archibald also had eaten the oysters, but with impunity.

Crimes in great number had been committed with impunity.

No man can trifle with his emotions with impunity.

There is nothing in it to encourage the idea of impunity.

Does he imagine that Olivia is to be slighted with impunity?

A man can't be young with impunity at his age.

We neither can deserve praise nor receive it with impunity.

When and where can animal food be eaten with impunity?

And with equal impunity he addressed all alike as 'Jock.'

Nor are the causes of this impunity difficult to understand.

Can wickedness have triumphed with impunity, or virtue toiled unseen?

In general the fish may be eaten entire with impunity.

Did you think that you could deceive me with impunity?

Believing myself certain of impunity, I committed an infamous action.

Colonia Agrippina was supposed to have eaten spiders with impunity.

She does not pass with impunity, but she passes.

No one could with impunity live outside the pale of life.

I must not only punish, but punish with impunity.

All this injustice had been committed with complete impunity.

Landlords can't name their ancestors with impunity just now.

This personal satire was not always performed with impunity.

"Do you think I am to be laughed at with impunity?"

And did they suppose we would submit with impunity?

Neither can the man with impunity evade his sacrifice.

You cannot with impunity leave your heart out of your affair.

They drink with impunity, or anybody who invites them

Pray continue to write, if you can do it with impunity.

He was not to be trusted with himself with impunity.

Here is one time you may look at an enemy with impunity.

He might have killed with impunity from where he stood.

The Baron could say nothing; we are certain of impunity.