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Use degenerate in a sentence

Definition of degenerate:

  • (noun) a person whose behavior deviates from what is acceptable especially in sexual behavior
  • (verb) grow worse
  • (adjective) unrestrained by convention or morality

Sentence Examples:

His language then seemed to degenerate into mere shrieking and scolding.

And when expense, not absolutely necessary, degenerates into profusion?

Sporadic raids by savages, possibly degenerate humans, repelled successfully.

Unfortunately, these banquets often degenerated into drunkenness and revelry.

Ah, the degenerate breed of the sons of the Prophet!

Whenever the beautiful loses its melancholy, it degenerates into prettiness.

A disorderly withdrawal began which degenerated into a mass panic.

How could he approve the corruption of such degenerate progeny?

We hired bums to play his part, criminals, vicious degenerates.

They were spoken of as weaklings, degenerates, and the like.

These heinous degenerates of humanity, sucking the blood of prostitutes!'

Thus, the aberrations or perversions of the degenerate find explanation.

Why, the degenerate fellow might as well have been a fiddler.

The castle of this period had degenerated or become more modernized.

In extreme cases this may, of course, degenerate into mere pedantry.

They think you are a pathological degenerate who should be lynched.

Shame on you, degenerate sons of a brave and chivalrous ancestry!

The voice, losing its tone of terror, degenerated into a snarl.

Its part in either normal or degenerate heredity is but slight.

Just as the unused arm withers so the unused eye degenerates.

When he spoke of her, his diatribe degenerated into a whine.

Originally national and Republican, it has degenerated into a savage barbarity.

The present mosquito is but a degenerate remnant of the species.

Too much rest degenerates into laziness, and brainless, dreamy longings.

Judicious manipulation of any material may degenerate into mere juggling for support.

The talk degenerated into anecdotes of canvassing, and ran shallow.

Degenerates of irreproachable character show strange defects in their intellect.

I think Clive has degenerated dreadfully since we left him.

You cannot even maintain that these unhappy people are neurotic or "degenerates."

Under such leadership the finest soldiery would have soon degenerated.

Wilkinson, Blake deserves censure for having degenerated into mere monstrosity.

If this meeting is going to degenerate into a travesty, I withdraw.

Always keep your position as leaders, but don't degenerate into an oligarchy.

The souls are either bloodthirsty wolves or beasts with degenerate reason.

The trident of Poseidon has degenerated into the pitchfork of Beelzebub!

Her voice had suddenly degenerated into a sort of panting hiss.

These are the degenerate string-like relics of the earlier umbilical arteries.

How different from the degenerate French and the intolerable English.

Popular interest slackened, they say, because the art first degenerated.

Alien and exotic to English soil, it degenerated slowly into a convention.

A neurotic person and a degenerate one are not necessarily the same.

It is his occasional tendency to let his romanticism degenerate into sentimentality.

The human species degenerate mentally and morally in a tropical climate.

Each being furnished with copious arguments, the discussion degenerated into technicalities.

Almost all are warlike, and many have degenerated into lawless brigands.

This certainly shows itself otherwise in the degenerate than in reformers.

The man had been a foundling and was clearly a degenerate.

"Some degenerate son of honest English stock, I suppose," nodded Helen.

The speaker sighed over the general shortcomings of Eve's degenerate daughters.

All drunkards and drug fiends are psychics; degenerates are also psychics.

Thus, with the uninitiated, their system degenerated into an ignoble pantheism.

The worship of Nature had degenerated into the worship of impure divinities.

We have identified certain degenerate stocks who display the symptoms of alcoholism.

He looked as if he were degenerating into the grub even before he died.

Reproof, accompanied by threats of punishment, is apt to degenerate into scolding.

In peace, says he, mankind would grow effeminate and degenerate in luxury.

He degenerated frightfully during the last twenty years of his life.

Not content with this degenerate beginning, they pursue their errors heavenward.

The historians have familiarized us with the notion of corrupt or degenerate mores.

Degenerate pirates, who succumb to hunger after fasting only three days.

All those actually certified as degenerates must be prevented from procreating.

Watch your hearts, lest it degenerate into a carnal or a partial love.

And the remnant of the hopelessly criminal and degenerate was segregated.

Without patter these charming tricks would have degenerated to the commonplace.

It is conceivable that degenerates may produce priceless and imperishable literature.

With respect to the Americans, again, criticism necessarily degenerates into unqualified censure.

The panic became general, and disorder soon degenerated into a disgraceful retreat.

The feeble births acquired diseases chase, Till Death extinguish the degenerate race.

Indian art is sadly degenerating through the intrusion of inferior Western designs.

This, too, was unknown to the degenerate days of the Roman life.

The conversation here degenerates into a discussion on duty and becomes uninteresting.

He thought, as he contemplated the headless, degenerate, weedy issue and result.

The large, square homes of yesterday are now degenerated into tenement houses.

The whales have degenerated from the hoofed mammals to suit their environment.

In these degenerate days, hard science tramples on the arts more elegant.

Intellectually he is all sensation, though he seldom degenerates into abstract sentimentality.

These listless creatures are the degenerate descendants of a very long ancestry.

She began by a wailing tirade that degenerated into a filthy harangue.

From a similar reason, his occasional attempts at comedy degenerate into mere farce.

Before five miles were passed, the retreat had degenerated into a mere rout.

In these degenerate days I am astonished you should display so much proficiency.

He pays the penalty of his warped, or too limited or degenerate experience.

In many persons it degenerates into a chronic disease, which is practically incurable.

His son is an incurable rake and degenerate, as you may have heard.

The conversation either degenerates into a soliloquy on your part, or expires altogether.

His love for conversation had degenerated into a spasmodic passion for chatter.

How long it had stood here, not even its degenerate inhabitants knew.

Have the vocalists of these times degenerated, and the fields become aged?

Selection may keep a species stationary, or it may even cause it to degenerate.

The rest of us degenerate in a painless paralysis we think of as pleasure.

Feeling and fancy are predominant, and often degenerate into sentimentality and trifling.

Almost a mot; as near as men get to it in these degenerate days.

They were alone; just they two, the degenerate ruffian and his victim.

The Turk has a fanatical bravery which, however, easily degenerates into brutality.

Once he brought this up, the conversation usually degenerated into combative silence.

Is it perchance one reason, if not the chief, why manners have degenerated?

He implied by this name that it was a sort of degenerated "forethought."

It has degenerated into a perfunctory habit, but it should not be so.

Remember there is a point at which faithfulness may degenerate into sheer obstinacy.

Prudence and caution may be overdone, and easily degenerate into sloth and inactivity.