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Use dandy in a sentence

Definition of dandy:

  • (noun) a man who is much concerned with his dress and appearance
  • (noun) a sailing vessel with two masts; a small mizzen is aft of the rudderpost
  • (adjective) very good

Sentence Examples:

I had become a fashionable dandy.

He was something of a dandy.

They were dandy, pleasant rooms.

That was a dandy breakfast.

Jim's a dandy smart fellow.

She sure had dandy manners!

He's looking fine and dandy.

"There's a dandy big moon."

Dandies are notoriously grave men.

"Oh, what a dandy dog!"

He is something of a dandy.

We've got a dandy spark.

"Isn't this a dandy show!"

"We had a dandy ride!"

"We had a dandy time!"

"Isn't she a dandy, dad?"

Ain't this a dandy rig?

"And the nuts were dandy!"

They can do dandy tricks!

"Isn't that a dandy fur?"

Pat was a dandy chap.

She has a dandy time.

That was a dandy dive!

It would make a dandy scene.

It will make a dandy film.

The dandies looked at each other.

"You are a dandy, old man!"

"Got a dandy bead on him."

And I feel in dandy shape.

And Charlie is quite a dandy.

Your hair has a dandy wave.

It will make a dandy story.

"She sure is a dandy boat!"

We could have a dandy time.

It would make a dandy waste-basket.

You put up a dandy fight.

"It sure is a dandy boat!"

It will be a dandy story.

We sure had a dandy time.

It's going to be a dandy!

"Isn't this the dandy luck?"

"Fine and dandy, old lizard."

Nor is it even peculiar to dandies.

Isn't that the dandy joke?

He was as neat as a dandy.

The dandy averted his eyes.

Fernandez answered for the dandy.

"Fine and dandy," laughed Elmer.

And she certainly looks dandy.

The dandy bowed and vanished.

It's dandy place for cabin!

"And we'll have some dandy times!"

We all had a dandy time.

This is sure Jim dandy hunting.

Yes, and he was a dandy.

"That would be a dandy thing."

Then she got a dandy idea.

"Oh, that'll be fine and dandy!"

"This will make a dandy film!"

Eugenie will belong to the dandy.

"Oh, this is a dandy Monkey!"

Say, this cigar is a dandy.

"Say, this is more than dandy!"

"We'll have a dandy fish supper!"

"Oh, it would be dandy there!"

There were some dandy white horses.

"Wasn't that a dandy initial flight?"

You've found a dandy place here.

Dormer Colville was not a dandy, however.

"Oh, he's all right; fine and dandy!"

They showed up fine and dandy on time.

In his dress he was a perfect dandy.

"We made a dandy landing anyway," he said.

You will never see the little dandy again.

Queen Elizabeth passed on with her aged dandy.

I'll do fine and dandy here till then.

"Meadow Brook is a dandy place," said Bert.

"It's a dandy place to hide," said Archer.

Not one of them gazed at the dandy.

It was the Filipino dandy whom he confronted.

We shall have a dandy time, simply dandy!

"Come on then, I know a dandy place."

Such a clever young dandy as he is!

Our gardener calls the young one a dandy.

He is a dandy from way back, boss.

"Wouldn't this be a dandy place to play?"

I suppose you know you've got dandy hands?

We'll show that we believe he's a dandy.

And didn't we have a dandy celebration afterwards!

This would make a dandy flashlight in here.

It was a dandy bit of work, Frank.

"You ran a dandy game," agreed the sawyer.

It's certainly a dandy club in a pinch.

Say, that's a dandy necklace you have on!

Dandy oven you've got; dandy outfit all round!

There is one of the village dandies, now.

This harbor is a dandy place to swim.

That arm of his is certainly a dandy.

He was already one of the town dandies.

And now I have dandy news to tell.