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Use banter in a sentence

Definition of banter:

  • (noun) light teasing repartee
  • (verb) be silly or tease one another

Sentence Examples:

Both men continued to indulge in a repartee of light bantering at the expense of Lefty, whose cheeks were flushed crimson.

The men, whose faces seemed stolid, serene or absent, were engaged in dressing, while a great crackle of bantering conversation arose.

Throughout this banter, it was strange to note how infrequently the men smiled, particularly when directly engaged in an encounter.

This unreasoning, feminine obstinacy so wrought upon him that he permitted himself a smile and a lapse into irony and banter.

He asked, in a half-coaxing, half-bantering tone, like one speaking to a naughty child, too young to be seriously reproved or argued with.

Though not accustomed to have that remark taken seriously, still it usually provoked a laugh or a paragraph of sentimental banter.

It was a pleasure just to sit beside him, and to meet his pleasantness with cheerful chat, gay banter, or affectionate earnestness.

After all, there was something fascinating about this man, with that devil-may-care air of his, his banter and his courage.

The passage of the half-buffalo and the yellow mule hitched tandem attracted considerable attention, and a volley of bantering remarks.

He could see Peter John strutting about and receiving the half-bantering congratulations of the students, and his heart became still heavier.

Surely, a Compliment so uniform and tasteful must more than outweigh his teasing and banter with the amiable subjects of both.

There was something about this old missive which sobered the bantering troop of scouts and made even Pee-wee quiet and thoughtful.

Opinions were freely expressed as to the abilities and merits of different contestants and there was much good-natured argument and banter.

His bantering with his son was genial and affectionate, and once she thought he tried to include her in this camaraderie.

His frank utterances, his off-hand manner, his ready banter, and his joyous eyes captivated everybody, and veiled his stern purposes.

The preposterous hooped petticoats which ladies wore out of doors subjected them to the good-natured banter of the wits of the time.

Charley, deciding that he was getting the worst of the good-natured banter, obediently waded out and brought the launch in.

Instead of replying, he addressed himself to the company, speaking in a dry, half-bantering tone, while Theodora watched him like a tigress.

Our mood may be dreamy or eager or hilarious or grim or blustering or somber or bantering or scornful or satirical or whatever we will.

Said another, who had not participated in the banter of his companions on the Puritanical devices of Charles and his cronies.

Her conversation with young Minty was as insipid as himself, but occasionally Stanton's cynical banter evoked something like repartee and wit.

He was fond of teasing and of banter, and it was another of his peculiarities to be particularly observant about a lady's dress.

The dexterity we possess nowadays is nothing but mockery, a kind of banter that touches everything without discernment; it kills force.

A bantering growl of surprise was heard when Corporal Jean, accompanied by Maurice, came back from the rationing with some firewood.

Except for purposes of invective or banter, he refused to see any other side of a question than that which he had chosen.

She was learning, too, to smile at the young men, and practicing whenever occasion offered the arts of banter and coquetry.

The cattle were caring for themselves; but on meeting the lads from headquarters, an unusual amount of banter and repartee was exchanged.

The derisive banter was an unintentional notification that he could expect to be murdered immediately after the finding of the lost lode.

Wearisome banter between brainless boarders tending mainly to criticism of moving picture productions and speculations as to the salaries of the stars.

They knew him merely as the good-looking, always good-natured brother of their favorite, Helen Beavers, with whom they bantered merrily.

There was none of the bantering that had marked their intercourse before, even in the face of blighting hardships and hideous danger.

The occurrence and the style of verse were common enough, but an idle banter incited the gay youth into a burlesque imitation.

After much bantering and urging, Benjamin proceeded to read his, apparently with much diffidence; and all listened with profound attention.

Replied Lenore, imitating her father, and bantering Jake, more for the fun of it than from any intention of disobeying him.

These, and a thousand other little expedients, by which the arts of Quizzing and Banter flourish, practice will soon teach you.

He feared that she would be merciless in this her hour of triumph, and dreaded the banter to which he might be subjected.

Members of the Exchange saunter in from the smoking-room, swap good-natured banter or confer earnestly with their representatives on the floor.

Sally, overwhelmed by his gift for monologue, uttered in a teasing, bantering, intimate voice of beautiful cadences, looked desperately about her for help.

He shook hands with Miss Wayland, a pronounced and rather regal blonde, and exchanged a few words of banter with Everett.

At outdoor romps and sports Clyde Burbage led the way, and endangered future limbs or present lives by his fearless banter.

Her voice, high-pitched and anxious, could be heard, and also his jovial, bantering tones that talk with pretty girls always evoked.

Puerile puns, personal banter of a rather homely type, and good stories collected from other people are all that the books disclose.

Finding other means unavailing, he suddenly changed his tone, and began to jeer and banter him upon the mean prices he offered.

This mixture of dignity and banter, of haughtiness and playfulness, made Francesca at this moment the most fascinating creature in the world.

There were powers of sarcasm, powers, however, which he rarely used, preferring the summer lightning of banter to the thunderbolts of invective.

The most trenchant weapons employed at these tournaments are sarcasm and banter, and the Americans are adept in the use of both.

At all events, Lovelace abandoned his daintily bantering pose and seized her in his arms, nearly smothering her with fierce, passionate caresses.

The girls, too, indulged in good-humored banter, raising hearty laughs against the boys, in which the victims joined as lustily as any.

Such good-natured banter went on at first between two opposing interests, but by and by the difference culminated into something more.

Said the young officer, speaking like a schoolboy; and the tone of his voice showed so much vexation that Hilton checked his banter.

He had dunned, he had coaxed, he had bantered, he had bargained, he had borrowed, he had begged; and he had been successful.

With another questioner, those small orbs of his would have twinkled keenly, as his tongue rapped out a ready evasion or bantering retort.

Thackeray very largely adopted a strain, half satire, half banter, with regard to certain shams both in high and low places.

Our recognition occasioned much chaffing and bantering, and no small curiosity was manifested as to how I could have possibly made his acquaintance.

I was no little annoyed by this talk, though I credited Wheaton, who retailed it to me, with a good deal of bantering exaggeration.

"I am afraid your gondola excursion proved too much for you," I said, in a bantering tone, "or perhaps you dreamt of Doctor Nikola."

And George suddenly dropped the savagely bantering tone, and sat down on the sofa beside her, and pulled her closer to him.

Although Freckles and Jane did not return, the two boys and Mary Louise kept up a constant banter of laughter and merriment.

Then, with the laudable motive of clearing the air, Baffin referred in a tone of banter to the still visible presence of red flannel.

We do, indeed, exactly suit each other, for she too is rather inclined to be satirical, so we banter our friends most merrily together.

The western migrations of fashion are humorously sketched, and the architecture of our metropolis comes in for a share of the author's banter.

Simpson by this time fully realized his error, but failure before all these bantering youngsters was a contingency not to be accepted lightly.

Personalities based upon sarcasm or invective are always attended with danger, but good-humored bantering may be used upon occasion with most happy results.

Too much agitated by the revelation which had just come to him to answer her light banter, he walked silently by her side.

Several were present on this occasion who knew him familiarly, and one of these persons bantered him a little on his bachelor state.

They smacked their lips over it, exchanged with the household the customary salutations and banter, and sauntered back to their beats.

Banter, too, and a coarse, good-humored sort of wrangling, was the usual form by which difference of opinion found expression in the training-school.

Patty responded laughingly to this gay banter, and the tea hour passed all too quickly, and it was time to dress for dinner.

He was followed about by the smaller boys of the town who listened while he bantered some of his cronies into making bets.

Their talk drifted to other points, and I lay thinking of the skirmish that had played beneath the surface of their banter.

And over a pipe and a glass of sherry, he had to put up with a good deal of banter about his approaching "change of state."

For a few minutes she failed to connect the attentiveness of Judge Smith, his paternal banter, with her activity under the table.

"I 'lowed you might get lost," bantered the young fellow, not offering to carry the packet as they trudged away side by side.

Instead, he continued to argue with them, even banter with them, as if they were all a pack of merchants in a money changer's shop.

The pigeon hawk bantered the tortoise for a race, but the tortoise declined it, unless he would consent to run several days' journey.

She addressed some remark to me presently, and a skirmish of banter ensued, which ended in a challenge to me to climb upon the stack.

No one spoke; the banter had given place to a few muttered words that broke the moaning, delirious tones of the stricken girl.

The postman was aware that such a conversation was outside the scope of his duties, but he was fond of gossip and banter.

When he spoke, the note of cringing banter had left him, and he had a man's tone, encouraging and not a little masterful.

Collins has an undercurrent of chivalry and romance beneath the trifling vein of good-humored banter which is the special characteristic of his verse.

Her nerves had been wrought up to a high pitch by the afternoon's events, and she felt unequal to parrying Tony's customary banter.

They were keeping only a perfunctory watch, their eyes and ears giving more heed to the laughter and banter than to the silent woods.

Sir Gilbert's banter, on the very rare occasions on which he condescended to indulge in it, was of a somewhat ponderous and old-fashioned kind.

Nevertheless, as the President saw fit to be humorous, she was glad that she understood how to meet and answer his bantering sallies.

When finally he rioted in mere word-play, banter, quizzing, it was a sign that he regarded the matter as worthy no higher species of notice.

Captain Jack laughed, blushed slightly under the friendly banter, and allowed himself to be thrust back into the seat he had just vacated.

Her usual lightness and gay banter seemed for the moment to have deserted her, leaving a soft brooding wistfulness that was strangely appealing.

She cries in a rather bantering, insolent tone, and raising her finely pencilled eyebrows till they are lost to view under her fringe.

There was evidently a banter between them, and though they were probably not aware of the fact, their words were readily distinguishable beneath.

In his bitterness he found a sort of comfort in reverting to his old bantering attitude toward women, to find it a thousand times intensified.

After ending an improvisation of this kind he would burst into loud laughter and banter his hearers on the emotion he had caused in them.

I sometimes won a jury over by a little good-natured banter, and often annoyed Chief Justice Campbell when I woke him up with laughter.

She heard the old note of banter in his voice, but mingled with it was a tenderness so utter that she scarcely recognized it.

While this disgusting banter was going on I observed a planter ride up to one of the brokers and whisper for some time in his ear.

The giggling procession met emissaries from other forms, bent on a like errand, and exchanged a brisk banter as they passed on the stairs.

His "Paul's Church-yard" is a bantering pamphlet, containing fictitious titles of books and acts of parliament, reflecting on the mad reformers of those times.

Dick kneeled on the rug, toasting muffins on a long fork, and laughed when Carrie bantered him about being afraid to scorch his hands.

A little rough banter among them as they smoked their last cigarettes, then sleep and snores; and that was all until morning.

Little Billy was fighting manfully, but the strain was telling, aging his mobile face, making rare his sunny smile and whimsical banter.

It seemed inconceivable that she and the fair-haired girl with whom I had exchanged banter in the upland orchard were daughters of one mother.