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Use acclaim in a sentence

Definition of acclaim:

  • (verb) praise vociferously | To express great approval
  • (noun) enthusiastic approval

Sentence Examples:

Easter had expected tumultuous acclaim.

Paris acclaimed the move royally.

He was hailed with exultant acclaim.

Harrison was acclaimed as a deliverer.

Presently a voice shrilled out in inarticulate acclaim.

They were acclaimed as the saviors of Europe.

Your lordship's retainers acclaim you on your birthday.

They acclaimed him and hooted his opponent.

The act was acclaimed with loud jeers.

The popular acclaim wafted him to Scotland.

He was acclaimed a hero for his promptitude.

He was acclaimed as the senior partner, rehabilitated.

He was acclaimed to the verge of apotheosis.

Concourse on high acclaim his pioneer historic services.

It was Roger's idea, joyfully acclaimed by Grace.

The knights then acclaimed Gunther as the victor.

Weissmann's glasses glistened upon her with joyful acclaim.

Then great shouts of acclaim rent the skies.

She was in the brilliant acclaimed festal stage.

The audience acclaimed his decision with salvos of applause.

Müller was acclaimed as a genius by his countrymen.

And the fickle school loudly acclaimed the choice.

Rome had acclaimed the Caesar and rejoiced over his homecoming.

Thereupon all who stood thereabouts once more gave loud acclaim.

Two souls have met, and mutely acclaimed their kinship.

Her listeners acclaimed this sally with shrieks of laughter.

Was the reiterated acclaim which resounded through the chamber.

The clamor of the mob he had interpreted as acclaim.

It was the stampede of the world to acclaim Success!

He had ended amid acclaim and had been given largesse.

The people acclaim him as their savior, make him dictator.

Thereupon the fugitives flocked back, acclaiming me as a sorcerer.

The great palace shook with the acclaim of the courtiers.

Some voices are already acclaiming the success of the new Viceroy.

An hour from now we will be joyously acclaiming the new.

Spain welcomed her worn and tired seamen with splendid acclaim.

Wasn't I the acclaimed, even to laurel crowns, of my entire class?

There was a sudden cheerful acclaim from the portico without.

Her large eyes, the docile eyes of the slave-wife, acclaimed him.

Nevertheless, they courageously supported and acclaimed the action of the Ministry.

A dozen other authorities acclaim the pastoral possibilities of the uplands.

For once, or the nonce, we seem to see the hero-poet acclaimed.

It was the people returning from the races, acclaiming the victor.

And an occasional surprise test now and then acclaims its thoroughness.

As she gained self-confidence and acclaim, she shed her morbid introspection.

The informers came together and were vigorously cheered and loudly acclaimed.

Half the world broke into acclaim over this outpouring of fervid worship.

Amid general acclaim, the top-lofty, overburdened hats were consigned to a butler.

Greville must be received with acclaim wherever he deigned to show himself.

American ladies are acclaimed the most charming and intelligent in the world.

The Conservative party had acclaimed the return of the prodigal son.

A modest fellow, unspoiled by popular acclaim and simple-minded though successful.

He is here acclaimed as emperor and crowned with a garland of straw.

It flew, spread out, flaunting in the wind, acclaimed by his followers.

The interview with Miss Raleigh was acclaimed with almost rapturous delight.

This was received with acclaim, but many objected to the mortuary theory.

A cloud of courtiers hovered near, acclaiming the boy Saint and Daniel.

All were greeted by the crowd with uplifted hands and loud acclaims.

By those who would have rent him asunder, he now was acclaimed.

In a twinkling they were surrounded by the crowd, and acclaimed like conquerors.

The moral fanatics acclaimed him vociferously, mistaking him for a popular preacher.

He could not bear to have everybody except himself acclaiming his wife in superlatives.

A rude and fanatical populace forgot its orgy of blood to acclaim a violinist.

Oftener they fall down, tripped up by their insatiable desire for public acclaim.

The American vessel brought her prize and prisoners into port amid general acclaim.

He was not spectacular, and never relied on his oratory for popular acclaim.

My great act of renunciation was everywhere acclaimed with transports of public joy.

Prominent personages debated it in public halls, only to be acclaimed and booed concomitantly.

The critics and the public acclaimed the comet and neglected the planet.

Toward the end the plaintive song has an ever-growing chorus of acclaiming voices.

She stretches out her arms to the sun and acclaims the growing orb.

How many of those who were once so mightily acclaimed are delivered up to oblivion!

The climactic motive of the sea acclaiming the rising sun is there, but reversed.

And all the time they gave him loud acclaim without measure and without stint.

A veiled figure entered, with slow, lithe step; and her appearance was acclaimed excitedly.

Parisians had never had a chance before to acclaim the victor of the Marne.

McKinley were not jarred by the sound of cheers or unseemly shouts of acclaim.

She had a quick wit and a sharp tongue and her sallies were acclaimed.

When the lamentation ceased, he was appointed king by prompt and general acclaim.

The Times acclaimed her as the greatest emotional actress ever seen on an English stage.

The summoning chords, acclaimed by chorus, grow to appealing song in a brief lull.

The happy people did not acclaim him as their faithful watchdog of the treasury.

While extending salutations to the foreigners Punch was not slow to acclaim native talent.

As soon as he appears, he is received by that hitherto silent crowd with tumultuous acclaim.

What a sublime ovation for her when a hundred thousand hands thundered their acclaim!

A moment of hesitation, of assimilation, and then a hubbub of delighted acceptance and acclaim.

In gentle ascent we are wafted to the acclaim of heavenly (treble) voices in the Magnificat.

She grew resentful that their true worth should not be acclaimed by the world.

The standards are then lifted up, and people and soldiery together acclaim the Emperor.

Was never heard, for the west stand was a swaying, tumultuous unit of thunderous acclaim.

Yet only ten minutes earlier they were loudly acclaiming them as deliverers of their country.

This effort was received with an admiring acclaim that flushed Nan with an inordinate pride.

And the French population, virtual prisoners for many months, received them with wild acclaim.

He had that day fled from the furious shouts of the pilgrims acclaiming the Pope-King.

Every man crouched to leap over his fellow, if not by position, at least by acclaim.

Joy untold if you were a raw young housekeeper, to have your cake acclaimed by eaters and critics.

The last morsel was cleaned up, and Stone was universally acclaimed as a wonderful cook.

England frowned upon him for this heresy, but his art was joyfully acclaimed in France.

Then they returned to the castle, where the courtier was acclaimed as the greatest of heroes.

It seduces by the power of money, and by the power of great acclaim no less.