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Use long haul in a sentence

Long haul Definition

a journey over a long distance;
a period of time sufficient for factors to work themselves out;
synonyms:long run

Sentence Examples

Just around the corner where Edward lived the cars stopped to water the horses on their long haul.

The men had to work fast on the long haul but had an easy time when the haul was short.

To-day it is not the long haul of wheat, but the short haul, that is more expensive.

This was the first shipment of ores, and a pretty "long haul."

Prehistorically it still was a long haul to bring in such big logs.

He knows it's going to be you or him, in the long haul, with nobody else involved.

A picked bull train, he allowed, could beat a mule train all hollow on a long haul.

As I have remarked before, it is a long haul from the peninsula of Florida to New Orleans.

The bark can be hauled to market, but the wood is unsalable at living prices, after the long haul.

A long haul over poor roads can easily make the sand cost more than the stone per cubic yard of concrete.

She’d gone to space with her folks after Dan had left the mountain, but it was in a long-haul generation ship.

They had made a long haul that day, and the man, who had trudged at their head since early morning, was almost as weary.

It is also settling up rapidly, and has become a large producer of wheat, even at the disadvantage of a long haul in wagons.

It was evening of the first full day after leaving Junior before the routine of the long haul back to Space Academy had begun.

It's very enjoyable to work on a subject like that after a long haul of writing about astronauts — essentially because it's easier.

Grenfell loved, as with a personal affection, every one of the five beasts that were taking him on this long haul to save a boy's life.

Such things he had been used to ever since he first homesteaded; this long haul with the products of his toil he had been making for many years.

On this long haul, as always, he drove with extreme care, changing his speed without the staccato jerk, avoiding bumps and holes of the trying road.

Outside of total therapy processes—and I believe you know that's a long haul—there wasn't much to be done for you, and no particular reason to do it.

This would usually be in locations where the cost of cement is high because of long hauls and where suitable macadam materials may be obtained close at hand.

These bricks were adopted in preference to concrete, owing to the heavy cost of sand and rock, due to the long haul, and for the purpose of obtaining rapid work.

There's no long haulage of rails, because you can nearly always find a creek running far up into the country, and dump out your rails within a few miles of the place where they are wanted.

And while thus racing for the great long haul prizes, they are incidentally giving to the state a complete system of transportation in all its parts and for all its multitudinous productions.

If shipping and destination points happen to be in different states, the provision of the Interstate Commerce Act which forbids a higher rate for a short haul than for a long haul comes into play.

Still another proposed measure is the cutting of a canal from the southern end of Lake Michigan to the western end of Lake Erie at Toledo, Ohio, to avoid the long haul up Lake Michigan and down Lake Huron again.

It is drawn by one team and the capacity is two to five cubic feet, but the material spills out to some extent as the scraper is dragged along and the method is not suitable for long hauls, 100 feet being about the economical limit.

On long hauls the railroads quickly secured all the North and South business, though indeed, the hauling of freight down the river for shipment to Europe was ended for both railroads and steamboats, so far as the products raised north of the Tennessee line was concerned.

It has only been a bother, a nuisance, a senseless trammel upon us thus far, interfering with all our business, breaking up our long-haul and short-haul tariffs, requiring us to account practically to the government for every penny we charge and almost every one we expend.

And then we naturally ask, "Why this long haul over mountains and through tunnels and across bridges and along streets and into houses, by railroad, truck, and on the backs of men, when at the very pit mouth, or within the mine itself, this same coal might be transformed into electricity and by wire served into factories and homes 100, 200, 300 miles from the mine?"