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Use digress in a sentence

Digress Definition

lose clarity or turn aside especially from the main subject of attention or course of argument in writing, thinking, or speaking;
synonyms:stray, wander, divagate

Sentence Examples

I am digressing a little.

I digress from my travel.

At this point our story digresses.

"Or can they stir And not digress?"

We cannot digress in that direction.

Will you not kindly permit me to digress for a moment and say to the music lovers of America that I appreciate in the deepest manner the great kindnesses that have been shown to me everywhere?

The author digresses from his main theme.

I must digress to say a word of Nip and Tuck.

"But we appear to be digressing into philosophy."

"But I digress to that which is of no consequence."

I would not thus digress from the question at issue.

I have digressed enough; I will return to my sad story.

At this point I shall digress from the subject assigned me.

I want to digress here just a little bit by quoting one thing.

Let me digress here to say a word in reference to Charles Sumner.

It was hard to resist digressing into some effort at prison reform.

I have not the space here to digress on the intermediate gradations.

Any attempt to digress from this rule is fatal for correct composition.

However, I am digressing from my story of the creation of the universe.

Can I digress long enough to say that I think that everybody should sing?

The trouble is that I always do grow warm, and digress at the mention of sandbags.

If you digress too much, I'll go and shoot, and that will finish the correspondence.

I shall digress for a moment to ask whether you know what is meant by a causal therapy?

Why, when I was but a child my mother gave me money and bade me go prove—but I digress.

And here let me digress to say a few words in reference to my colleagues on that committee.

We cannot digress here to pursue this love-affair of Henri IV and Charlotte de Montmorency.

Let us return to Michele, from whom we digressed, not without reason, some little time back.

An article should march right along from beginning to end, without digressing or marking time.

Only, don't digress so; don't write a lot of lovely English about clocks and getting up early.

The word extravagant, in its primitive signification, only signified to digress from the subject.

Let us digress from the scenario a minute to cite a scintillating passage, one of many in the book.

"Our talk," said he, "has digressed into fretful courses; permit me to return to the starting-point."

At this point it is desirable to digress and indicate why and how the Law of Priority came into being.

"Then we will have to digress a moment, while I attend to your neglected education," said Little Billy.

"At this point we should digress a little, but we should pursue our inquiry in the same satirical tenor."

Well, I will not digress by describing the feast which Sebastian gave as a housewarming for his lady love.

It will do no harm to digress for a moment and explain exactly what the French did at the battle of the Marne.

And since we have been speaking of quibbling, I shall digress a little to entertain the Reader on that subject.

As they paused, I will take the opportunity to digress and describe the process of putting sheep across a river.

In digressing, in dilating, in passing from subject to subject, he appeared to me to float in air, to slide on ice.

He digressed slowly in answer, then hurried on: "That was only five years ago, Eleanor, and we were far from young."

So unique, so bewitchingly attractive are these pueblos, that I must digress awhile to describe their nature and origin.

Moral Theology, therefore, is not digressing from its proper subject-matter, if it gives some attention to rules of health.

"I have to tell you so much more of my new plans, Judy," digressed Jane, as Aunt Mary signaled to the Jap dinner was finished.

Unfortunately its study would lead us to digress too far, and presupposes a more thorough and special knowledge of the subject.

I digress; sufficient has been said to show that the two characters were hardly what one would have expected to form an alliance.

It must not digress or dally in by-paths, however entertaining these may be in themselves, but push onward to its inevitable finish.

Now to return once more to the trees, the loss of which caused me to digress some pages back; there are compensations in all things.

Perhaps at this point we should digress a little and mention Montesquieu, whose delightful Spirit of Laws we have lately been reading.

She would be still greater as a novelist, and a novelist merely, if she could make her meaning clear without digressing to another art.

She would be still greater as a novelist, and a novelist merely, if she could make her meaning clear without digressing to another art.

Learned as he was, whilst pursuing his own purpose, he digressed in agreeable and instructive fashion into the realms of real knowledge.

At this point we digress, in order to drag in the fact that this ship, the Mesopotamia, was one of the largest ships afloat at this time.

The temptation is very great here to digress far enough to offer a rational interpretation of this beautiful poetic allegory of the "Fall of Man."

Sorry for digressing; but another turning point in the history of paper came in 1993 when we were faced with a contempt notice from the Supreme Court.

"There are three main factors in flying,"—Horne spoke more freely again as he digressed upon generalities, —"the man, the machine, and the atmosphere."

I will digress a little to give an account of the Duke's character, whom I knew for some years so particularly, that I can say much upon my own knowledge.

It will be profitable to digress for a moment to consider farther what this disappearance of the ancient population of Massachusetts means to the country.

To this matter I will return in a moment, but I digress to put in a document which, rightly or wrongly, I believe to have a bearing on the thread of the story.

For the benefit of those who are not already acquainted with the Laboratory, permit me to digress momentarily to explain briefly its organization and functions.

All of them spoke rapidly, without ever digressing by a single word from the point, giving her the impression of their speeches having been rehearsed beforehand.

It is only when men depart from the right spirit, when they digress from their duty, that they will neglect or dishonor any soul that is committed to their care.

Kant’s argument is at this point extremely brief, and I shall so far digress from the statement of it, which he here gives, as to supplement it from his other writings.

The resulting discoveries were of such an astonishing nature, and of such absorbing interest, that one is greatly tempted to digress and to mention them in some detail.

That is why our uniform of blue and silver commands the respect that it does even in this day and age of softening and decadence, when men—but again an old man digresses.

Digressing, he mentioned a trifling gift he had brought her, and produced a small brass vessel, fitted with two hinged lids, meant to contain grains of incense for the altar.

During the examination when some of these associations come into consciousness ahead of time, it is often wise to digress from the question in hand long enough to jot them down.

Let me digress here to say that, though I have heard mention of "hard times" at certain points along my way, I don't believe our modern generation knows what hard times really are.

Though the war was not finished, the crisis of the drama was over, and Josephus, doubtless following his source, relaxes the narrative to digress about affairs in Rome and the East.

She talked so fast, and repeated her stories so often, that she digressed, quite unconsciously, from the truth and, at the last few calls, made Nancy out a most shocking young person!

All came and went leaving only diminished, diminutive copies of themselves clustered there in the brain as furtive shadows digressing the reality of the present into that which once was.

I have been digressing: it was the sight of that ghostly-looking old house of Madeley Court with its haunting charm of suggested romance that set my thoughts and my pen a-wandering thus.

To digress still further, I just want to say that it is a new and I believe quite wonderful experiment, this sending of the right sort of girls to work and to associate with the boys in the army.

We are digressing far from the Sapper and the machine-gun officer who stood by a derelict tank in the damp mist of an October dawn and cogitated on the direction of their particular piece of front line.

May we be permitted to digress enough to show that the law is universal because, though it is a law whose biological phase has been long recognized, not much attention has been paid to it in other fields.

Milton never digresses; he never violates harmony of sound or sense; his poems have all their regular movement from quiet beginning through a rising and breaking wave of passion and splendor to quiet close.

And somewhat was I minded so to say to you, too, saving that, whether it were properly pertaining to the present matter or somewhat digressing from it, methought it was good matter and such as I had no wish to leave.

Precisely the same reasoning holds good and the same danger is apt to arise, should the Second Hand digress from the recognized principles of safety, and bid a long suit which does not contain the requisite high cards.

His words have a further interest as proving that now in these days of approaching winter, with his long poem almost finished, he allowed himself to digress into some lyric experiments, as in its earlier stages he had not done.