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Definition of annex:

  • (noun) an addition that extends a main building
  • (verb) take (territory) as if by conquest; "Hitler annexed Lithuania"
  • (verb) attach to

Sentence Examples:

Copy of said warrant and endorsement is annexed hereto, and made a part of this return.

To supreme legislation and supreme judicature, all criminal jurisdiction was certainly annexed and inseparable.

Good food temptingly served brought many to the house who had no interest in the annex.

Mary Staining was annexed, and the patronage was alternately in the Crown and parishioners.

She will gain a larger unity and that not merely by annexing the unredeemed territory.

Their policy is supposed to be to annex the adjoining districts to their newly formed kingdom.

The next year he organized new academies in the Italian States, which were now annexed to France.

The Russian government has shown a strange penchant for annexing vast deserts to its dominions.

To things of great dimensions, if we annex an adventitious idea of terror, they become without comparison greater.

Page described the arrangement of the permanent magnets and armatures, as shown in the annexed figures.

The King having created his son Earl of Lancaster, this estate was annexed to the earldom.

The Poles and Lithuanians are Slavic peoples long since conquered and annexed by the Russians.

Along with the seer and the soothsayer, the prophet was thus annexed by the temple.

His letter is interlarded with little questions as to when we are going to annex the country.

The appearance of the circular ceilings formed on these ingenious principles is exhibited in the engraving annexed.

To this may be added the annexed notices relative to the day, obtained from an Irish gentleman.

The living is a rectory, with that of Framingham Earl annexed, in the gift of the Rev.

The living is a rectory, with that of Earl Framingham annexed, in the gift of the Rev.

The Punic wars followed; Carthage, the city of Dido, fell, and Mauritania was annexed to Rome.

I scrambled up, and found the remarkable natural pillars which are represented in the annexed engraving.

Wherefore mirth with measure to sadness is annexed: Desiring that none here at our matter will be perplexed.

The entire upper part of the person is in this way enveloped, as seen in our engraving annexed.

Britton's "Union of Architecture, Sculpture, and Painting," from which work we have copied the annexed engraved view.

A drawing had been made of it while in our hands, of which the annexed engraving is a copy.

The annexed plate represents a small animal of the opossum kind, which has not before been delineated.

He sent word to each barbaric tribe to come in and be lovingly annexed, or else be annexed willy-nilly.

It is a hotel now, the annex of one of the great hostelries down below in the town.

"Under the circumstances, considering how extortionately we have been charged, I have no qualms in annexing yon craft."

And to things of great dimensions, if we annex an adventitious idea of terror, they become without comparison greater.

The Red King preferred to leave bishoprics and churches empty so that he might annex the profits.

After a prolonged strife the earldom of Ross was forfeited, and annexed to the crown in 1476.

The steam was conveyed to the hammer cylinder by the jointed pipe seen in the annexed engraving.

Four times did Columbus journey to the Indies, which were annexed by him to the Spanish Crown.

The current methods of annexing the property of others are characterized by a pleasing indirectness and refinement.

This double and continuous ownership was not confined to the semi-servile tenure of lands annexed by Athenian conquests.

Forbear then to revile the Indian: you have not fulfilled the conditions to which his services are annexed.

In 1580, therefore, the whole of the vast dominions I have described were annexed to the Spanish empire.

In the same room I found a good cotton quilt which I promptly annexed to replace my lost greatcoat.

Incest, therefore, being pernicious in a superior degree, has also a superior turpitude and moral deformity annexed to it.

The bibliography annexed to the article on the Jesuits, is not only deplorably meager, but hopelessly antiquated.

On the west was a rather unlovely annex to the main building, which increasing patronage had made necessary.

It has pleased the All-wise Creator to annex to elocution, when in its perfect state, powers almost miraculous!

Having completely recovered, he helped himself to such of my movables as he could conveniently annex, and absconded.

The following inscription is engraved on a brass plate placed on the tomb, represented in the annexed woodcut.

It is represented in engraving by the figures of small bells ranged in lines, as in the annexed example.

The most common form for the construction of a house is five-sided or pentagonal, as in the annexed figure.

Germany sends second ultimatum to Belgium, threatening force, and offers Great Britain not to annex Belgian territory.

He did not answer me directly, but begged to know whose pleasure it was to have the codicil annexed.

An imperial policy does not necessarily imply such vagaries as the forcible detention of the forcibly annexed Boer republic.

In the same year the kingdom of Portugal and its rich eastern colonies were annexed to the Spanish domain.

He annexed Sheik, but I don't want to give him the mortification of tramping on foot after the rajah.

The annexed engraving represents a party thus occupied, and gives a correct view of their persons and manners.

They are going through the form of annexing this island to the other lands of the German government.

The Spaniard must have annexed the haversack when he and his companions searched the house after our departure.

The lake was too far from the hotel to have been annexed as one of the attractions of that hostelry.

The cuts annexed represent the face and back of an old Egyptian stamp discovered in a tomb of Thebes.

When it was overtaxed, as the number of animals exhibited increased, an adjacent property had been acquired and annexed.

It is a small square figure, generally placed at the dexter chief of the shield, as in the annexed example.

A German band was in the habit of annexing a position before his house, and treating him to its music.

This one great military power means to annex Belgium, Holland, and the Scandinavian states and to subjugate France.

A novel method of making a nail hole and driving and clinching the nail is shown in the annexed engraving.

It is a particular privilege annexed to his sovereignty, not to be punctured nor circumcised as all his subjects are.

The annexed cut shows that part of one of the caissons which projects above the surface of the water.

The best answer that can be made to that charge is the official order, hereto annexed, of General 'Baldy' Smith.

To the cathedral, a fine old structure, is annexed a curious and perfect ancient temple which serves as the baptistery.

Belle Rogers was not always the bewitchingly pretty, dimpling, smiling young girl who had endeavored to annex Billie.

We have accordingly introduced the annexed engraving, which will enable our readers to enter into the details of the machinery.

Samples of these are sent to Teachers and Educators by mail prepaid, on receipt of one half the prices annexed.

The two-storied annexes which formed the sacristies and treasury were finished towards the close of the fifteenth century.

Though she did not annex, she accepted suzerainty; that is, she controlled, or attempted to control, foreign policy.

This success enormously elated the Americans, and they now confidently calculated on defeating Procter, and annexing Upper Canada.

Grady, not strong enough financially to annex a calliope, altered an old animal cage that resembled the exterior of a calliope.

No description will give so good an idea of the extreme minuteness of the writing as the annexed facsimile of a page.

Those on the Asiatic side had been conquered by Cyrus, and their countries had been annexed to the Persian empire.

The bird in the annexed engraving is as trussed for the spit, with its head under one of its wings.

At this time the terrarium had an annex in the shape of a wooden box, a foot square, with a gauze top.

I received a note from him in the following words, containing the copy subjoined, with the emendations annexed to it.

I showed it to Colonel Kelly, who promptly annexed it, as he was in want of one, having mislaid his own.

We have got to annex some condition to the root property of being covered by any abstractive set which it covers.

Finally, in 1795, a proposal was made to the Committee of Public Safety to annex the territory of the Austrian Netherlands.

Is there any other engraved portrait of her in existence beside the one annexed to the several editions of her poems?

Then John Bull annexed us; by means of bribes and promises and threats he turned out the Irish directors.

There are several good timbered houses dotted about the town, notably the one seen upon the left in the annexed view.

When they fail to annex some trumpery bit of coast, the failure is naturally set down to blundering, not to conscience.

After all the bequests women have made to Harvard see how niggardly that institution, in its 'annex,' treats their daughters.

Babies surfeit, while strong men starve; and the fetus in the womb stretches out unformed hands to annex a principality.

Parties of braves were despatched in all directions to annex the scanty stores which oppression had left to the peasantry.

If Isaac Walton was correctly informed, he was somewhat tamely annexed by a scheming landlady as husband for her daughter.

That the self-consciousness is the fixed point, to which for us all is mortised and annexed, needs no further proof.

You have lost that which may indeed sometimes contribute to happiness, but to which happiness is by no means inseparably annexed.

These churches were for the time annexed to the convent in the city, as its benefices, and as dependent upon it.

The annexed engraving represents a simple apparatus for preserving fruit in its natural state, by means of a partial vacuum.

"We're too busy annexing the world to bother about philological lessons," said Lady Jim, remembering Heine's remark anent the Romans.

She felt gratified at the result of the Franco-Prussian War, and on hearing that Prussia had annexed Alsace and Lorraine.

Little by little they made way for or became annexed to the lyceums which one after another were founded wherever needed.

And have not experiences in assimilating Spanish territories hitherto successfully annexed or conquered proved abundantly our ability to do all this?

The annexed sketch shows the fine geometrical east window, and a beautiful three-light window in the north wall of the chancel.

I will now say a few words about the administration of the annexed provinces, a subject on which exists much misapprehension.

In the rear of the latter was the theater, a huge log annex especially designed as the home of Bacchus and Terpsichore.

Another reason concurs, that a column annexed to a wall, which is a plain surface, makes a greater variety than a pilaster.